Cristiano Ronaldo Gets to Test Drive a Bugatti Chiron Just Because

Sebastien Bell
by Sebastien Bell

Portuguese soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo’s life is just better than yours.

Not only did he recently drag his national team kicking and screaming into its first European championship, but now he somehow got behind the wheel of Bugatti’s latest super-hyper-ridiculous car, the Chiron.

SEE ALSO: No Surprise Here: The Bugatti Chiron is Really, Really Fast

As we all know, the Chiron was designed to be more of a beast than its predecessor, the Veyron, and it can go from 0-250-0 mph in less than 60 seconds. And its top speed is somewhere north of ridiculous, though Bugatti won’t tell us just how far north. When not playing soccer, Ronaldo can be seen driving one of the many supercars he owns, so it’s not a surprise that he was able to drive the Chiron and that might even be considering purchasing one.

Watch the ad above, and regret the fact that you didn’t devote all your waking hours to learning how to kick a ball really well.

A version of this story originally appeared on VWVortex

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Sebastien Bell
Sebastien Bell

Sebastien is a roving reporter who covers Euros, domestics, and all things enthusiast. He has been writing about the automotive industry for four years and obsessed with it his whole life. He studied English at the Wilfrid Laurier University. Sebastien also edits for AutoGuide's sister sites VW Vortex, Fourtitude, Swedespeed, GM Inside News, All Ford Mustangs, and more.

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