Youth PDP holds convention in Pulwama, hundreds join party


PULWAMA: Gearing up the activities for the upcoming Panchayat elections, Youth wing of People’s Democratic Party held a day-long convention at Pulwama on Sunday.
The convention, according to statement, was joined by hundreds of people.
Underlining the efforts and intent of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti for making youth the torch bearers of change, PDP Youth President, Waheed Ur Rehman Parra reiterated party’s commitment to create supporting atmosphere for youth of the state to realize their potential.

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He said that the party would reach out to youth to engage them and to work for resolution of the problems faced by them.
Parra on the occasion said that a series of such conventions would be held throughout the state to actively engage the youth.
Parra listed the recent youth specific initiatives of the Government. He further added that parenting youth who have been policed for decades is the biggest challenge for the Chief Minister of the State.
“Government has a lot of schemes for the empowerment of the youth and to see the better future they should rope in the schemes available with the various government departments of the State.”
Meanwhile, hundreds of youngsters joined the party in front of the Youth President Waheed Parra.


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