This article was published on March 3, 2017

Tesla implements advertising plan suggested by fifth-grader

Tesla implements advertising plan suggested by fifth-grader

Tesla doesn’t advertise. But, on the advice of a Michigan fifth-grader, that could soon change.

The endearing pre-teen, Bria, caught the attention of the Tesla CEO Elon Musk after her father re-posted her letter, a class assignment, to Twitter.

In the letter, Bria thanks Musk for his contributions to a cleaner environment and details her desire to become a politician to remove the Tesla ban in Michigan — currently, you can’t buy a Tesla in Michigan due to some asinine restriction that keeps automakers from selling their own cars. She then poses a unique take on Tesla advertising by offering up your council:

I have noticed you do not advertise, but many people make homemade commercials for Tesla and some of them are very good, they look professional and they are entertaining. So, I think that you should run a competition on who can make the best homemade Tesla commercial and the winners will get their commercial aired. The cool part is that you still won’t be taking the time and money to advertise for yourself. Plus, this is something our fans and customers will definitely love. You could give the winners a free year of Supercharging or a Model 3 Easter Egg or something.

Musk, after reading the letter, green-lit the idea.

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