Milan-based Leftloft studio developed LFT Iro Sans from the clear and welcoming wayfinding project of San Siro stadium in Milan. The expansive family solves wide-ranging challenges with an arresting unicase, complementary pictograms, and an assertive text face.
For enthusiasts of every stripe, LFT Iro Sans can be a brand’s rallying cry with its arresting unicase, be a developer’s go-to pictogram choice, or set the most demanding editorial text in digital or print.

LFT Iro Sans Thin & Slanted
LFT Iro Sans Light & Slanted
LFT Iro Sans Book & Slanted
LFT Iro Sans Regular & Slanted 
LFT Iro Sans Semibold & Slanted LFT Iro Sans Bold & Slanted
LFT Iro Sans Extrabold & Slanted LFT Iro Sans Black & Slanted

LFT Iro Sans Unicase Thin
LFT Iro Sans Universe Light
LFT Iro Sans Unicase Book
LFT Iro Sans Unicase Regular
LFT Iro Sans Unicase Semibold
LFT Iro Sans Unicase Bold
LFT Iro Sans Unicase Extrabold
LFT Iro Sans Unicase Black

LFT Iro Sans Display Ultra Light & Italic
LFT Iro Sans Display Heavy & Italic

LFT Iro Sans Symbols Light
LFT Iro Sans Symbols Regular

LFT Iro Sans

LFT Iro Sans

LFT Iro Sans: an expansive family that solves the significant, wide-ranging challenges of branding, wayfinding, pictographic language, and comple Read More
