Why EQ can count for more than IQ

Developing your Emotional Intelligence is key to leading happy and successful creative teams, says Tanya Livesey, Leadership Coach and Global Head of Creative Talent at The Talent Business

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  • Bruce Kestelman 09/03/2017 at 3:15 pm

    Thanks Tanya. A helpful summary of EI and it’s relationship to this work and leadership. I believe that EI is a helpful construct and something that differentiates performance. However, I’m starting to see some push back of late related to the true impact of EQ. I’m trying to be better positioned to respond to that push back. I ‘m wondering what studies you are referencing when you make the statement, “. . . study after study evidences a stronger link between EQ in leaders and their business success than IQ. ” And what level of success is indicated? Many thanks. Bruce