Happy Gut, Happy Life: Ways to Get Your Probiotics

After learning about the many benefits of a balanced microbiome, you might be thinking, "Well cool, but how do I actually get probiotics?"

Have no fear! We have several options for you — pick what works best for your lifestyle, your tastes, and your gut.

  • Supplements. If you don't want to eat or drink your probiotics, you can absolutely take them in capsule form. I have been loving hyberbiotics PRO-Women supplements.
  • Probiotic water. In both soda and water form, probiotic beverages are taking the health food market by storm. Suja Probiotic Water, Obi Soda, and Karma Wellness Water are all great options we love for sipping probies on the go.
  • Fermented foods. If you love sour foods, you're in luck. Or your gut is, rather. Sour pickles, kimchi, miso soup, and sauerkraut will all give you a healthy dose of gut-happy bacteria.
  • Yogurt and kefir. Grab a cup of Greek, soy, almond, or coconut yogurt, or take a swig of kefir, either of the dairy or coconut variety.
  • Kombucha. The strong, bubbly tea has a healthy kick and is loaded with vitamins — it's also loaded with digestion-friendly probiotics. If you like lavender, try the KeVita Lavender Melon flavor.
  • Apple cider vinegar. It's great for weight loss and it's great for your digestive tract. Make one of these ACV drinks and start feeling good.
  • Protein powder. You can add protein and probiotics to your morning shake or smoothie (or maybe a protein ball!). Vega One Nutritional Shake powders have 1 billion probiotics in each serving (and they're one of our favorite brands!).
  • Probiotic granola. Just when we thought we'd seen it all, we found probiotic granola. With added strains of cultures from GanedenBC30 (used in many of the aforementioned packaged products, like Suja waters and KeVita kombucha), you'll get a healthy dose of your CFUs with Purely Elizabeth granola; we think it'd make a tasty breakfast or snack.