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While losing twelve pounds in twelve weeks may feel like a hefty goal, it is absolutely possible. With appropriate tapering down of calorie intake and the addition of some gentle movement, the shift does not have to feel abrupt. And, with appropriate lifestyle adjustments, it is even possible to keep the weight off permanently!


Drink water.

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  1. To find the appropriate amount of water to drink, take your weight and divide it by 2, which will equal the number of ounces in water you should drink a day. You may want to divide that result by eight (eight fluid ounces in a cup) to tell you how many cups of water to drink daily.
    • If you feel you are not drinking enough water, you should try to look at you urine when you use the restroom. If your urine is a pale yellow, or better yet, colorless, then you are consuming a sufficient amount water each day. If it is dark yellow or brown, you either need more water, have a serious liver disease, or hepatitis. According to a website addressing such issues, "Brown urine can an indication of a serious condition. It could be caused by liver disease, hepatitis, melanoma cancer, or copper poisoning. Other symptoms from those ailments should also be considered as indicators. But note that if you had recently eaten fava beans or taken a laxative, your urine also could turn brown."


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  1. It's as easy as taking a 10 minute walk after each meal, or riding your bike, or even playing tag. The important thing is to get out there, even if it's only a 25 minute walk. The more you do, the better you will feel. Remember, the exercise time must be at least 30 minutes [of increased heart rate], because that can burn the fat.
    • An easy way to get motivated to exercise is to sign up at your local recreational center for some sports, such as swimming, walking, or basketball.
    • Another great option is strength training! If you have muscle tone, you will naturally burn fat around the clock.
    • It's super easy to keep track of how many calories you burn for a given activity, and this will help you stay in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

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  • When you've lost your weight, celebrate! Buy yourself that outfit you've really wanted, go to a spa...treat yourself! ...but not with food.
  • Since you are eating healthy every day, it's okay to indulge occasionally, but remember, in moderation.
  • If you find that you are tired during the afternoon, or you need more energy, try going for 5 small meals a day rather than 3 big ones.
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  • Nearly all deaths related to water intoxication in normal individuals have resulted either from water drinking contests, in which individuals attempt to consume several gallons over the course of just a few minutes, or long bouts of intensive exercise during which time electrolytes are not properly replenished, yet massive amounts of fluid are still consumed. Your chances of water poisoning are slim!
  • Too much water can cause water poisoning[1] , causing body cells to swell from the massive intake of water, this can cause the brain cells to swell and can cause death.

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About This Article

Marilin Karst
Co-authored by:
Fitness Choreographer
This article was co-authored by Marilin Karst. Marilin Karst is a Fitness Choreographer, Health and Fitness Coach, and the Co-Owner of Fiesta Fit Sisters. With nearly 15 years of experience, she specializes in wellness coaching and fitness instruction. She studied fitness, nutrition, and leadership at the Instituto Peruano Del Deporte. Marilin is certified by the American Council on Exercise as both a Health Coach and a Personal Fitness Trainer-Health Fitness Instructor. She’s also certified to teach Zumba Basic, Zumba Toning, and Zumba Kids. This article has been viewed 250,651 times.
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Co-authors: 31
Updated: December 8, 2024
Views: 250,651
Categories: Weight Loss Goals
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    T. F.

    Feb 26, 2017

    "I'm trying to lose a stone, and this has given me some good ideas and motivation."
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