Salad greens are fresh vegetables that are usually served raw. They make a good base for other salad ingredients, such as chopped vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meats, nuts and beans, and are very nutritious. Most local grocery stores and farmers markets carry salad greens that were once considered exotic and hard to find, so buying greens can be a little tricky. Choosing the right type of greens depends on what other ingredients you're using in your salad, but you also want to select the freshest greens possible. Pay attention to the color and crispness of the leaves, as well as the packaging and expiration date for packaged greens.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing Salad Greens

  1. If you’re not sure what type of greens work best with the salad you’re planning, lettuce is usually the best choice. Lettuce has a mild, often sweet taste that goes well with almost anything, and is available in a variety of shapes and sizes.[1]
    • You can choose from loose leaf and head lettuces. Loose leaf varieties come in loose bunches, while head lettuce grows in a tighter ball.
    • Some lettuce varieties to try include iceberg, romaine, butter, and oak leaf.
  2. Chicory greens are closely related to lettuce, but have a stronger, more bitter flavor. They pair well with strong, bold flavors, so they’re a good choice for salads that include pungent ingredients, such as sharp cheeses and pickled vegetables.[2]
    • Some chicories to consider include frisee, escarole, Belgian endive, curly endive, and radicchio.
  3. Brassicas are part of the mustard family, and can have a peppery, spicy, or earthy flavor. They work well with salads that contain a hint of sweetness, such as a honey or maple vinaigrette, or a creamy dressing, such as a buttermilk, ranch, or bleu cheese.[3]
    • Brassicas that work well in salads include watercress, mizuna, arugula, and kale.
  4. Spinach has a mild herbal taste that pairs well with a wide variety of ingredients. However, it can wilt easily if tossed with acidic dressings such as vinaigrettes. Instead, pair it with mild creamy dressing for the best texture.[4]
    • Both baby and full-grown spinach make ideal salad greens.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Picking Out Fresh Salad Greens

  1. When you’re shopping for fresh salad greens, color is key. Look for leaves with a vibrant deep green color. There shouldn’t be any yellow or brown spots that may indicate the greens are spoiled or rotten.[5]
    • Some varieties of salad greens, such as radicchio, might also contain red colors. The red tones should also be vibrant.
  2. For the freshest greens, you want to choose those that have crisp, firm leaves. Avoid any that look wilted, limp, or shriveled.
  3. If you’re purchasing greens that come in a head, check that they are in a tightly compacted in a ball. If the leaves are loose or falling off the head, it may be an indication that the greens aren’t fresh.[6]
  4. Greens are often treated with pesticides, which can affect their taste and add chemicals to your salad. Whenever possible, choose organic greens for your salad, particularly if you’re purchasing kale or spinach.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Purchasing Packaged Salad Greens

  1. While packaged greens in a bag may be a little bit cheaper, the bag doesn’t offer much protection when the greens are in transit, which can leave them bruised. Instead, choose packaged greens in a plastic clamshell container that will provide more protection.[7]
  2. To ensure that the greens will hold up well in their packaging, choose hearty varieties that aren’t as vulnerable to bruising. Spinach, kale, and radicchio are good options.[8]
    • Spinach and kale are especially good choices for packaged greens because they can be eaten raw and cooked. You can use them in a salad when they’re very fresh and then cook them when they’re starting to turn.
  3. Packaged greens are stamped with an expiration date that can give you an idea of how long they’re fresh. When you’re choosing a package, try to find one with the latest expiration date so you’ll know that it’s the freshest option.[9]

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  • Store salad greens away from other strong-scented foods such as onions and garlic.
  • Remember to refrigerate salad greens immediately, whether they are loose or pre-packaged. Keep them in the refrigerator at 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (1.67 degrees to 4.44 degrees Celsius) in a drawer or a vegetable crisper to ensure freshness.
  • Wash all salad greens before using them and remove any rotten or damaged leaves.

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Updated: May 6, 2021
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