If you are into stars, planets, and galaxies, then galaxy slime might be just the thing for you! It's just like regular slime, but it uses colors that are reminiscent of the night sky: black, purple, and blue. The trick to getting this magical, swirling slime is to prepare each color separately, then smoosh it together. Luckily for you, there are all sorts of ways to make galaxy slime based on what you have on hand: saline solution, liquid starch, or even traditional Borax!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Saline Solution

  1. Empty a bottle of black glitter glue into a bowl. Fill the bottle with water, then pour the water into the bowl as well. Stir the two together with a spoon until the texture is consistent.[1]
    • Most bottles of glue contain about 4 ounces (120 mL). If yours doesn't, measure the glue and water out with a measuring up.
    • If you can't find black glitter glue, try purple glitter glue instead. Alternatively, mix 12  c (120 mL) of clear school glue with about 1/4 cup (25 g) of glitter and 2 to 3 drops of food coloring.
    • Use school glitter glue, which comes in bigger bottles; don't use the tiny tubes of craft glitter glue.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    The more baking soda you add, the more firm the slime will turn out. Keep in mind that the slime will become more firm once you add the saline solution.[2]
    • Make sure that you are using baking soda and not baking powder.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Read the ingredient label to ensure that the saline solution contains boric acid and sodium borate. These ingredients are very important; if the saline solution doesn't contain these, the glue won't turn into slime.[3]
    • Stir the solution into the slime quickly, like whisking eggs for batter.
    • Don't use contact lens solution. It's not quite the same thing.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    As you continue to stir the slime, it will eventually start to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Once that happens, take it out of the bowl and knead it together with your fingers.[4]
    • The more you knead the slime, the more it will firm up!
    • Once the glue has turned into slime, set it aside.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Use a new bowl for each batch of slime. Purple, black, and blue are classic galaxy colors. Pink and teal are other good colors too. Keep each batch of slime in its own bowl. This will help keep your work area clean.[5]
    • For 4-color galaxy slime, try black, blue, purple, and teal.
    • For 3-color galaxy slime, try black, blue, and purple, or purple, blue, and pink.
    • If you started with black glitter glue, consider making half the amount for the other colors.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Take out your first color of slime and stretch it out horizontally across your work surface. Line up the other 2 to 3 colors of slime right underneath it. Wait a few minutes for them to ooze together, then pick them up and twist them together.[6]
    • Stretch each slime out until it's about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) long.
  7. As you continue to knead, squish, and play with the slime, the different colors will swirl together, like a galaxy! Once you are done playing with the slime, put it into an airtight container, such as a plastic, zippered bag or a plastic container.[7]
    • The slime should last at least 1 week, but it can last longer.
    • Eventually, all the colors will blend together to create a single color. For example, black, blue, and purple will make dark purple.[8]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making Simple Slime with Liquid Starch

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Empty the glitter glue into a bowl first, then fill the bottle with water. Slosh the water around in the bottle, then empty it into the bowl as well. Stir the two together with a spoon.[9]
    • If you can't find black glitter glue, try purple glitter glue instead. Alternatively, make your own!
    • To make your own glitter glue: add 2 to 3 drops of black food coloring and 1/4 cup (25 g) of silver glitter into 12  c (120 mL) of clear school glue.
    • Most glitter glue comes in 4-ounce (120-mL) bottles. If your bottle contains more glue, measure it out with a measuring cup.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    This is the magical ingredient that turns glue into slime! Measure it out, pour it into the bowl, then give the mixture a stir.[10]
    • If possible, use white-colored liquid starch, although pale blue will do in a pinch.
    • You can find liquid starch in the laundry section of a grocery store.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    If you need to, pass the spoon, or whatever you're using to stir the slime with, through the middle of the bowl. This will help distribute the starch more evenly.
  4. Liquid starch can only do so much; you have to put in a little bit of extra work in order to get that glue to slime! So, take the slime out of the bowl and pull, squish, and squeeze it until it firms up. Once it sticks together, put it back into the bowl and let it sit for 3 minutes.[11]
    • This 3-minute wait time will allow the slime reach the right texture: not too sticky and not too thick.
    • While the slime is resting, get a head start and begin preparing the other colors!
  5. Blue, purple, and teal are great options, but you can also use pink instead. If you started with black glitter glue, consider making half the amount for the other colors. Be sure to use a new bowl for each batch of slime.[12]
    • For 4-color combo, try black, blue, purple, and teal.
    • For 3-color combo, try black, blue, and purple, or purple, blue, and pink.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Stretch out your first color of slime horizontally until it's about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) long. Next, stretch the second color of slime right beneath it, then do the same thing for the third and fourth colors until they look like stripes. Finally, twist the slime together, like a candy cane.[13]
  7. As you continue to play with the slime, the colors will swirl together, just like in a real galaxy. At some point, they will blend together to form a new color.[14]
    • Properly stored, the slime should last at least 1 week. It may last longer, however.
    • Eventually, all the colors will blend together to create a single color. For example, black, blue, and purple will blend together to make midnight blue.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Traditional Slime with Borax

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Pour 12  c (120 mL) of warm water into a glass, then stir in 1/4 teaspoon (2.2 g) of Borax. Keep stirring until the Borax dissolves, then set the glass aside.[15]
    • Make sure that the water is warm, or the Borax won't dissolve.
    • Keep your box of Borax handy. You will need it to prepare more Borax solution for the other batches of slime.
    • You can find Borax in the laundry aisle of a grocery store.
  2. Empty a 4-ounce (120-mL) bottle of black glitter glue into a bowl. Fill the bottle up with water, shake it, then empty it into the bowl. Stir the glue and water together with a spoon until the texture is even.[16]
    • The water does not have to be warm for this part.
    • Most glitter glues come in 4-ounce (120-mL) bottles. If your bottle contains more glue, measure the glue out with a measuring cup instead.
    • If you can't get black glitter glue, try purple instead. Alternatively, stir 2 to 3 drops of black food coloring and 1/4 cup (25 g) of silver glitter into 12  c (120 mL) of clear school glue.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Pour a little bit of the Borax into the glue, then stir it in. Add a little bit more Borax, and stir it in again. Keep going until you've used up all the Borax solution, or until the glue pulls away from the sides of the bowl.[17]
    • Don't dump all of the Borax solution into the bowl at once; you may not even use all of it.
    • Save any unused Borax solution--you can reuse it for the next batch of slime.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    Take the slime out of the bowl and squish, stretch, and pull it between your fingers. Do this for a few minutes, or until the slime firms up; the more you knead it, the more firm it'll become. Once the slime comes together, set it aside.[18]
    • You may still have some Borax solution let in the bowl, which is fine. Just dump this water out; don't reuse it for the next batch.
  5. Black, blue, and purple are the most popular galaxy colors, but you can also add teal or pink for a fourth color as well. Prepare each color in a new bowl; you may have to prepare more Borax water if you run out.[19]
    • If you started with black glitter glue, consider making half the amount for the other colors.
  6. Stretch out your first color of slime on a flat surface, then add the other colors in a row under it so that it looks like a striped flag. Twist the colors together like a candy cane, then smooth them out.[20]
    • Make each row of slime about 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm) long.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Make Galaxy Slime
    As you play with the slime, the colors will continue to swirl together. At some point, they will mix together entirely to form a new color![21]
    • A plastic bag with a zipper top will work great for this, but you can use another airtight container, too.
    • The slime should last about 1 week, if not more.[22]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Will the borax burn my hands?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, but you should wash your hands afterwards. If you have especially sensitive skin, you could wear gloves as a precaution.
  • Question
    What does the borax do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The borax is what gives the slime its proper consistency. That being said, it is possible for you to make slime without borax as well.
  • Question
    Do I need to use borax?
    Lillian Padilla
    Lillian Padilla
    Community Answer
    No, you can use liquid starch or laundry detergent. Borax makes the slime stiffer.
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  • Use the full recipe amount for the black slime, and half the recipe amount for the other colors. This will make your slime resemble a galaxy in a night sky.[23]
  • Add extra glitter into the glue before adding your activating ingredient. For a starry-night effect, try some star-shaped glitter.[24]
  • If you can't find glitter glue or food coloring, use some liquid watercolor or acrylic paint instead.
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Things You'll Need

Using Saline Solution

  • 3 to 4 colors of glitter glue (black, purple, blue, and teal)
  • Saline solution (must contain boric acid and sodium borate)
  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • Food coloring (if using clear school glue)
  • Extra glitter (optional)
  • 3 to 4 bowls
  • Stirring spoons
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plastic zippered bag or container

Making Simple Slime with Liquid Starch

  • 3 to 4 colors of glitter glue (black, purple, blue, and teal)
  • Liquid starch
  • Water
  • Food coloring (if using clear school glue)
  • Extra glitter (optional)
  • 3 to 4 bowls
  • Stirring spoons
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plastic zippered bag or container

Making Traditional Slime with Borax

  • 3 to 4 colors of glitter glue (black, purple, blue, and teal)
  • Water
  • Borax
  • Food coloring (if using clear school glue)
  • Extra glitter (optional)
  • 3 to 4 bowls
  • Stirring spoons
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plastic zippered bag or airtight container

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21 votes - 40%
Co-authors: 35
Updated: May 3, 2020
Views: 73,553
Article SummaryX

To make galaxy slime, start by mixing borax and warm water in a dish. Next, fill a separate bowl with black glitter glue and add some water. Then, stir in a small amount of the borax solution until you get a slimy consistency, knead the black slime for a few minutes, and set it aside. Finally, make 2 to 3 more batches using blue, purple, or pink glitter glue instead of black. Line up the batches on a clean surface, twist them together, and store the slime in an airtight bag! To learn how to measure out all of the ingredients, keep reading!

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Reader Success Stories

  • Ella Garceas

    Ella Garceas

    Nov 11, 2020

    "I love the slime. My frend Zahara loves slime. But my mom will not let buy slime because of Covid 19. So I made..." more

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