30 Traits of a Healthy Relationship

Bryan Sargent Photography
Bryan Sargent Photography

Sometimes, you have to sit back and reflect on your relationship to determine its state. Is it in good standing or are there some red flags to be concerned about? Every relationship is different and they're not always easy, but they should absolutely be healthy. A healthy relationship equals a happy relationship. So, to see if yours makes the cut, read the 30 characteristics ahead. You'll know exactly what needs to be improved if a few traits are missing.

Your partner brings you up, not down.
Charity and Ricky

Your partner brings you up, not down.

He or she never makes you question your self-worth. Instead, they're the one who can lift your spirits and makes you feel loved in difficult times.

You embrace each other's flaws.
Megan McAllister Wedding Photography

You embrace each other's flaws.

You love every part of your SO, including their shortcomings. You don't put him or her down for them and accept them as they are.

You can be yourselves.
Leah Moyers Photography

You can be yourselves.

Neither of you feels restricted whatsoever and you love each other even in your silliest and most embarrassing moments.

You respect each other's thoughts, opinions, values, and beliefs.
A Guy + a Girl Photography

You respect each other's thoughts, opinions, values, and beliefs.

No matter how much you differ in these areas, you can always see through the other's perspective. There's no wrong or right way in your relationship because you both value where you're coming from.

You're not codependent.
StockSnap | Tim Stief

You're not codependent.

Both of you are responsible for your own happiness and don't rely on the other to feel complete.

You keep each other in mind when making decisions.
StockSnap | Freestocks.org

You keep each other in mind when making decisions.

Neither of you are selfish when it comes to your future. You're considerate of their feelings and appreciate their input.

You show your appreciation for one another.
Something Blue Wedding Photography

You show your appreciation for one another.

Whether it's in the form of flowers, kisses, or a verbal "thank you," you acknowledge that their efforts aren't going unnoticed and reciprocate the favors, not because you feel obligated to, but because you want to.

You're respectful of one another's families.
York Place Studios

You're respectful of one another's families.

Despite any differences you may have, you treat each other's families with the utmost respect because they're a part of who your partner is.

Intimacy and affection are important.
StockSnap | Nathan Walker

Intimacy and affection are important.

Both of you are physically and emotionally satisfied in the relationship and understand the value of keeping the spark alive.

Honesty is not a problem.
Linger Photography

Honesty is not a problem.

You don't even let little white lies slip because you feel comfortable being completely transparent with one another. You never have to question whether one of you is telling the truth.

You have fun together.
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

You have fun together.

You enjoy each other's company even when you're doing nothing together and every day feels like a date.

You practice effective communication.
Kayla Coleman Photography

You practice effective communication.

You express your feelings and needs with honesty and listen to what each other has to say. You're not afraid to bubble up an issue, and the two of you can constructively work things out.

You're happy together.
Emily Illuminate

You're happy together.

It's that simple.

Your connection goes beyond physical.
StockSnap | Rebecca Ashley

Your connection goes beyond physical.

You can speak to one another on a deeper level. If the physical attraction were to wear off completely, there would be enough substance in your relationship to last.

The partnership is balanced.
StockSnap | Priscilla Westra

The partnership is balanced.

A single person doesn't wear the pants in the relationship and dictate what's good or bad for the both of you. You see each other as equals and share the responsibilities.

You trust each other.
Melissa Biador Photography

You trust each other.

Infidelity is never a concern because you're confident in your relationship. Your partner can also depend on you and vice versa to come through when most needed.

You respect each other's boundaries.
StockSnap | Denis Gavrilenco

You respect each other's boundaries.

You don't insist after they say "no" and you don't push their buttons just for the sake of it. You accept it and move on or find better ways to reach the same page.

You're patient with one another.
Meghan Mehan

You're patient with one another.

No matter how frustrated or annoyed you may be inside, you don't want to make it worse by lashing out at your partner. Instead, you talk it out with them or brush it off if you know it's not worth getting upset about.

You both value your relationship.
Makayla Jade Photography

You both value your relationship.

You make your relationship a priority and you're both willing to do what it takes to make it work. You don't give up easily because you want to make it last.

Jealousy is never an issue.
Gabriel Gastelum Photography

Jealousy is never an issue.

Each partner should be secure with themselves and in the relationship. If one of you is constantly worried about others, there may be some underlying issues that need to be addressed.

You remind each other how much you care.
Shoot Happens Photography

You remind each other how much you care.

Neither of you are left doubtful about whether or not you're thinking of them. You show each other through affection, sweet gestures, and I love yous.

You feel safe at all times.
StockSnap | João Silas

You feel safe at all times.

Physical, emotional, or verbal abuse is not tolerated, nor would either of you even treat the other that way. Even when you're fighting, there isn't a moment that you're fearful or threatened.

You support each other regardless of how it will affect you.
StockSnap | Brooke Cagle

You support each other regardless of how it will affect you.

You cheer each other on for even the small things and encourage one another to pursue your passions. You don't make them feel guilty or resent them for going after their goals.

You allow each other to grow.
Makayla Jade Creatives

You allow each other to grow.

You push one another to pursue whatever endeavors and want your SO to meet their highest potential. You support their hobbies, friends, job, and interests to help them flourish.

You can speak your mind freely.
Zachary Glenn of Bow Tie Photo

You can speak your mind freely.

The two of you feel comfortable enough to say whatever you're thinking without the fear of judgment. You can express yourself and know that your partner will be receptive.

You put equal amount of effort into the relationship.
Bryan Sargent Photography

You put equal amount of effort into the relationship.

It's never one-sided and the both of you recognize the importance of pitching in. You don't settle for a mediocre partnership and go above and beyond to continuously improve.

Your fights are civil and infrequent.
Mann & Wife Photography

Your fights are civil and infrequent.

Fighting is inevitable, but it should never get aggressive or hostile. You come out understanding each other's differences and move on from there.

You each have lives outside the one you share.
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

You each have lives outside the one you share.

You encourage each other to maintain separate social lives and don't make one another feel guilty for not including you in plans. You feel as though you have your own identity.

One's love is never in question.
Vic Bonvicini Photography

One's love is never in question.

You're both confident in how much you love each other and you try your best to make your feelings known through actions more than words.