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WIP Game: Control

From the sentinel story (I’m finding all the words here today)

He took control of the terminal, leaned back in his chair, and pretended that he was at a board meeting where old arcade games were often more productive than paying attention

From the ABO story: 

It made his skin tingle and stomach give a nervous jerk to keep his neck and back exposed to another alpha, but Tony didn’t let biological urges control the way he interacted with people.

From the Steve-the-Cop AU:

It had been years since he’d been touched this way, and it took all of his self-control not to just drop to his knees on his doorstep and pull Tony’s pants down for any passerby to see.

Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in. If I can’t find the word, I’ll write a sentence for it. 

  1. lightshadowverisimilitude posted this
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