Universal Champion Kevin Owens confronted Goldberg

Universal Champion Kevin Owens confronted Goldberg

GREEN BAY, Wis. — Kevin Owens is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore. After weeks of Twitter insults from Goldberg, not to mention the WWE Universe over his betrayal of Chris Jericho, the Universal Champion finally took one prod too many. Owens opened Raw by confronting his No. 1 contender, ultimately challenging Goldberg to settle their differences in a Green Bay Street Fight — just kidding, he totally didn’t.

True, Owens did come out for a few last-minute volleys of smacktalk before he and Goldberg battle at WWE Fastlane this Sunday, and the whole Street Fight thing was a bait-and-switch to rile Goldberg up. But the Universal Champion didn’t have any interest in throwing down with the iconic Superstar this evening. With a promise to end the Goldberg chant at Fastlane, Owens got the last word. But he shouldn’t take too much heart in that: Words won’t save him on Sunday.

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