Global Strong Cities Cold War,
Series #3
Series #3
Exposing the enemy:
Citizens Commission of Human Rights International, 6362 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite B, Los Angeles, California 90028 , PH#1 800 869 2247 or 213 467 4242
Prime Target for Cultural Attack: Citizens Commission for Human Rights:
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

(to be continued) ....
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

#2o Sensitivity Training Creates Harm:
Citizens Commission for Human Rights:
The history of the incursion of psychological programs into pastoral counseling can be traced to the work of Psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin received his doctorate from Berlin University in 1914 and was later a member of the Gestalt School. In 1932 Lewin left Germany for the United States where he became a professor of child psychology.
As a result of subsequent consulting work concerned with the development of community leaders, Lewin and his associates evolved the concept of T Groups (T for training) and as a result of this work the National Training Laboratories were established. (NTL). By 1947 it was funded by Naval Research in Bethel, Maine and in 1950 funded by the National Education Association (NEA) and also was part of the division of Adult Education with NEA.
The “T Group” concept gained rapid popularity among psychology circles and groups were established across United States. The term “Sensitivity Training” was later coined. The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, which contributed to the “hippie movement” of the 60s, was offshoot of this development. According to a proponent of the “Sensitivity Training”, Abraham Maslow, President of the American Psychology Association, Esalen became the most important educational institution in the world.
It inspired several thousand of encounter groups operating in churches, schools, and businesses. In 1975 Esalen founder, Michael Murphy, called this “The Cutting Edge.” (the psychology of the future) The Los Angeles Times reported: “Where once purpose of meaning was seen as religious it is finding its way back to psychology and the “Human Potential Movement” became the new religion of the fifties and sixties.
(to be continued) ....
(To be continued )
Global Strong Cities Cold War series 3 Exposing the enemy:
22) Reality of Sensitive Training:
23) Today’s Sensitive Training Names:
24) Sensitivity Training made Mandatory in Public Schools:
25) The Hidden Enemy of Psychotherapy:
26) International Expansion:
27) Betraying the Seminaries:
28) Critics Warning: Loss of Principles:
29) Harmful Results Revealed:
30) Legislating Immorality:
To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of Global Strong Cities Cold War,series #3 Exposing the Enemy:

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