Posted on 3/7/2017, 12:38:04 AM by gandalftb
After months of planning and deliberations, the 75th Ranger Regiment has been deployed to Syria to participate in the war against ISIS as the coalition closes in on the so-called caliphate’s capital city of Raqqa. Yesterday, the first images emerged of Stryker armored vehicles on their way to Manbij. This comes weeks after Rangers deployed to theater with their Strykers and elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment had been passing through Kurdistan.
By looking at the call sign tag on the back of the Stryker, it is evident that this is 3rd Ranger Battalion out of Fort Benning, Georgia,
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We have had a large deployment of special operations forces for years.
This is the first deployment of flagged field units in Syria.
I believe that Raqqa is the target, this is a blocking move.
Here we go.
I know ISIS is the enemy of several factions, but I wonder whose side we are on?
Thanks for posting -— good info from a credible source.
This is a very complex theater.
Everyone wants to exterminate ISIS in Raqqa and the rest of Syria.
The Kurds are the wild card. They held Manbij and Kobane, key crossing points and blocking hubs.
It appears that the Kurds have pulled out of Manbij with the understanding that we will occupy it. Looking at the Manbij location, we now control all offensive movements towards Raqqa.
The Turks will likely move in from the north, the Kurds from the NE, once Mosul is occupied.
It looks like our theater now.
Ya know?
I have been hearing about “taking Mosul and Raqqa” for....almost A YEAR...?
This is freaking incredible.
This is taking longer than the Battle of Stalingrad.
It goes and goes, then I forget about it, some more time passes and then BACK AGAIN it comes, on my radio:
“Iraqi forces, fighting to take back Mosul, planning on Raqqa..”
JUST THAT should be a HUGE warning sign.
It sounds like the ARVN.
Rangers lead the way! (God speed, men!)
Prayers for our troops.
Why is this being announced to the world? I thought POS 0dunga was no longer in office.
Politically it is the most complex theater I have ever seen, worse than Afghanistan, and I didn’t think that was possible.
By occupying Manbij, we can consolidate and set up a significant air base and land forces.
We’ve been all over Syria for years. There is no more operational security with every goat-herder on twitter with their phone cam.
Isn't this BIG NEWS, like Drudge Headline BIG NEWS?
“It sounds like the ARVN”.
Yes, it does.
I knew about some kind of insertion yesterday, just couldn’t confirm until the unit decals on the Strykers were known.
Yup, this is war, our war, in a country that we have not declared war on. Drudge and others are just asleep at the wheel over the weekend.
I’ve been out for awhile, but I would be surprised if Rangers are riding around in Strykers.
Yup, the 75th got 16 of them several years ago and uparmored them. There is a Ranger Battalion at Ft. Lewis that has quite a number of them.
This is the first western media post, CNN and Fox will have it soon.
Good Lord, why ?
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