Protein is used by just about every part of the body, from the individual cells to the immune system. It's also responsible for building new muscle tissue. Knowing that your body needs protein is good information, but knowing how much protein you need can help you achieve a well-balanced diet and a healthier body.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Determining Your Protein Needs

  1. Your level of activity determines the number of calories you should consume in a day. Because protein makes up a portion of those calories, your activity level also determines how much protein you should eat.
    • A sedentary lifestyle is one where you don't get any exercise besides going through your daily activities.
    • Moderate activity includes your daily routine plus walking 1 1/2 to 3 miles a day at 3 to 4 miles an hour or an equivalent exercise routine.
    • If you're active, you walk at least 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour, or do an equivalent exercise.
    • Athletes are training to compete in sports and get a significant amount of exercise.
  2. The formula for figuring out how much protein you need is based partially on how much you weigh. Weigh yourself in pounds, and write down the number.
  3. Each activity level has a multiplier for how much protein you need. The answer is how much protein you need in grams.
    • For a sedentary to moderate lifestyle, multiply by 0.4. So if you weigh 140 pounds, you need 56 grams of protein a day.
    • For an active lifestyle, multiply by 0.4 to 0.6. So if you weigh 140 pounds, you need 56 grams to 84 grams of protein a day.
    • For an athlete who's building muscle or for a young athlete, you need 0.6 to 0.9 grams per pound. If you weigh 140 pounds, you need 84 grams to 126 grams per day.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Getting Your Protein

  1. Meat is one of the best sources of protein, as it is a complete protein, meaning it offers all the amino acids your body needs from one source. One ounce of meat has 7 grams of protein. Eat a variety of meats, so as to get different nutrients and flavors. Avoid boredom and vary your meals.
    • It's best to pick lean cuts of meat, such as chicken or fish, as too much fat in your diet is unhealthy. When eating chicken, take off the skin to reduce the fat.
  2. Eggs are also an excellent source of complete protein. For 7 grams of protein, eat a large egg. Remember that eggs can be used in sweet or savory dishes! They are quite versatile. Scramble eggs with veggies and reduced-fat cheddar cheese or whisk egg whites with steel cut oats and cinnamon for a quick protein pancake! The options are endless.
    • For an easy, protein-heavy snack, boil some eggs at the beginning of the week. Peel them, and keep them in the refrigerator to grab as needed.
  3. A cup of milk has about 8 grams of protein. It also provides you with carbohydrates, too, which is why some people drink it after working out as a recovery drink.[1] To improve on this, add a scoop of whey protein powder (with less than 5g sugar) to your milk and really pack a protein-punch.
    • If you're not a big fan of milk, try adding yogurt to smoothies. It will thicken the smoothie and add richness, but you can cover up the flavor with fruits and vegetables.[2] In fact, yogurt has more protein per cup than milk, about 11 grams.
  4. You can get protein from vegetarian sources. The main sources are lentils or beans. For instance, a cup of beans has about 16 grams of protein. You can also eat lentils or peas for about the same amount of protein.
    • Try eating beans with rice, as they form a complete protein together.[3] If that's not your cup of tea, be sure to eat a variety of grains, seeds, and beans throughout the day to get all the amino acids you need if you're a vegetarian.
  5. Nut butters, such as peanut butter, can also add protein to your diet. For instance, a tablespoon of peanut butter has 4.5 grams of protein.
    • To incorporate peanut butter in your diet, spread some on a piece of whole-grain toast or add a tablespoon to a smoothie.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Tracking Your Protein

  1. The first step to tracking your protein is to make sure you understand servings. The easiest way to calculate your servings is to measure out your meals. You should weigh meat or measure out foods like beans and legumes with measuring cups.
    • Weigh meat in ounces, and multiply by the amount of protein in each ounce. For instance, 3 ounces of meat has 21 grams of protein because each ounce has 7 grams. Remember that when tracking protein, it is best to weigh protein raw and stick with that method.
    • Measure out beans in cups, and multiply the amount by the number of grams of protein per cup. For instance, 3/4 cup of beans has 12 grams of protein because 0.75 times 16 is 12.
    • If you don't want to take the time to measure, you can learn to eyeball your measurements. For instance, 3 ounces of meat is about the size of a deck of cards, and 3 ounces of fish is about checkbook-sized.. A 1/2 cup of beans is about the size of a light bulb, while 2 tablespoons of peanut butter is golf-ball size.[4]
  2. Keeping a food journal helps you know what you are eating in a day. It makes you more aware of each bite that goes in your mouth. To keep a food journal, simply write down the food and the portion of everything you eat each day, including the amount of protein you've eaten.[5]
    • If overeating is a problem for you, you can also write down associated activities and feelings, such as "was feeling sad and watching television." That way, you can note trends of when you eat more.[6]
  3. Once you've recorded each day's protein, add it all up. Compare it to how much protein you should be eating so that you can adjust your protein intake up or down.
  4. While it may be tempting to eat extra protein to help build bigger muscles, your body really doesn't need extra protein. In fact, if you consume more protein than your body needs, it generally turns it into fat. Even worse, it stresses the kidneys.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How much protein do you need?
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 2010.
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Expert Answer
    Protein needs vary based on your size and activity level, so there's no set amount for everyone.
  • Question
    How do you calculate how much protein you need a day?
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 2010.
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Expert Answer
    If you are not very active, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.4. If you're moderately active, multiply your weight by 0.4-0.6. If you're an athlete, multiply your weight by 0.6-0.9 to figure out how many grams of protein you need each day.
  • Question
    How many grams of protein do you need to build muscle?
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 2010.
    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Expert Answer
    If you are building muscle, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.6-0.9 to determine how many grams of protein to eat per day.
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  • A session with a nutritionist or dietitian can help you more clearly understand what the best protein choices are, and the nutritionist can help you customize a diet so that you're getting the right amount of protein.


  • Always consult your doctor or primary care physician prior to changing your diet or commencing a new eating plan.


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About this article

Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
Co-authored by:
Master's Degree, Nutrition, University of Tennessee Knoxville
This article was co-authored by Claudia Carberry, RD, MS. Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 2010. This article has been viewed 119,381 times.
37 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 24
Updated: January 22, 2022
Views: 119,381
Article SummaryX

To figure out how much protein you need, multiply your weight by your daily activity level. If you live a sedentary to moderate lifestyle, your activity level is equal to 0.4. If you live an active lifestyle, your activity level is equal to 0.6. You might need to use a higher activity level if you're trying to build muscle, like 0.8 or 0.9. So, for example, if you weigh 140 pounds and you live an active lifestyle, you would multiply 140 by 0.6 and get 84. Therefore, you need 84 grams of protein a day. For advice from our Dietary co-author, like how to get all of the protein you need each day, keep reading!

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  • Gail Bronson

    Gail Bronson

    Jul 29, 2016

    "Explained how to calculate how much protein one should eat daily."

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