Business Dashboards to Power Your Growth

A simple financial dashboard that helps your business grow

Man working in warehouse

Get the insights you need to make the right decisions

For your business to succeed, you need to know your goals and see your progress in real-time. LivePlan's business dashboard gives you the insights you need in a format that's simple to understand, yet has the power you need. Connect your accounting software, like QuickBooks or Xero, and you'll get instant insights into your business.

Reach your goals faster by tracking your progress

Companies grow 30 percent faster when they track their progress towards their financial goals. With LivePlan's Dashboard, you get a simple way to do just this. You can easily monitor your revenue, scrutinize your expenses, and make adjustments to ensure you reach your goals.

Business dashboards in minutes

We know you'd rather be working to hit your goals than setting up your dashboards. The LivePlan Dashboard connects directly with your accounting software (QuickBooks and Xero) and sets up your business dashboard automatically — no customization or coding required.

Make sense of the numbers without using spreadsheets

Using spreadsheets to analyze your financials is painful—it often requires building complex pivot tables or toggling between multiple documents. But with the LivePlan Dashboard, you can quickly build visual reports and summaries that show what your financial data really means—all without spreadsheets.

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Your accounting data is imported automatically

It takes just minutes to setup your LivePlan Dashboard. And if you're using Xero or QuickBooks, you don't have to enter any information manually—all the data is imported directly into LivePlan and then displayed as easy-to-follow charts and graphs.

Budgeting and forecasting made easy

LivePlan takes the pain out of your budgeting and forecasting process. If you're already using accounting software, just import your accounting data and apply growth rates or tweak the numbers manually — you'll have a complete forecast and budget in no time. No accounting system? No problem. You can always create your forecast using LivePlan's simple forecasting tools.

Already up and running?
Beautiful PDF reports for printing and sharing

Beautiful PDF reports for printing and sharing

Need to report on your company's financial performance to investors, a board of directors, or your internal management team? Help everyone understand the story behind the numbers with beautiful PDF reports from the LivePlan Dashboard. With just a few clicks, quickly choose the metrics you want to include, and download to share by email or print out. Standard performance reports from LivePlan help set the stage for collaborative discussion in any financial meeting, and you can easily add your own summary to provide additional narrative context for your metrics.

Explore opportunities with scenarios

What would happen if you hired more employees? What if sales are better than expected? LivePlan lets you easily explore different situations with financial scenarios. Create scenarios for different ideas and then see how that impacts your numbers.

Explore opportunities with scenarios
Compare your results to the competition

Compare your results to the competition

With built-in industry benchmark data, you can easily compare your results to businesses just like yours and see how you stack up. Learn more about LivePlan's Benchmarks.

Full support for QuickBooks Classes

Do you use Classes in your accounting software to differentiate locations or lines of business? LivePlan's Dashboard shows all your important financial information by Class, as well as forecasting stream.

Full support for QuickBooks classes

Trusted by over 1 million small businesses and entrepreneurs like Rick

LivePlan helped me easily see - for the first time - my financial growth month-over-month and year-over-year - without having to sort through complicated reports and spreadsheets. Thanks to my accountant's advice, I'm growing my restaurant faster and more strategically!
Rick M
Rick M
Ox and Fin