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The test, which involves writing a short essay, would not apply to black cab drivers. Photograph: PA
The test, which involves writing a short essay, would not apply to black cab drivers. Photograph: PA

Uber v TfL: court hears written English test will cost 33,000 drivers their jobs

This article is more than 7 years old

Ride-hailing app challenges Transport for London over demand that minicab drivers pass language test to obtain licence

A plan to force London minicab drivers to pass written English tests would put nearly a third of them out of business, the ride-hailing app Uber has argued.

In a high court battle with Transport for London, lawyers for Uber said the transport body’s estimates suggest 33,000 drivers would either fail the test or be deterred from trying to renew their licence.

TfL, which licenses nearly 118,000 minicab drivers, wants all applicants for a new, or renewed, private hire licence to pass the test by 30 September.

The test, which involves writing a short essay, would not apply to black cab drivers.

Uber said it supports verbal tests but warned an added written exam meant that 33,000 drivers, 28% of those who currently hold a licence would lose their livelihood over three years.

Thomas de la Mare QC, representing Uber, said this was based on TfL’s assumption that 40% of people taking the test would fail it.

He told the hearing on Tuesday the requirement was “manifestly disproportionate” and would unfairly penalise drivers who had sufficient English to pass their driving test and read road signs but not to pass a written exam.

He said the lack of complaints about Uber drivers’ written English meant the issue was “the dog that did not bark”.

In a statement, TfL said: “The changes to regulation of the private hire industry being challenged in this case are vital, to ensure passenger safety and to raise standards. We continue to robustly defend this claim.”

TfL originally wanted to apply the test only to people from countries where English is not the primary language but this was blocked in court as discriminatory.

The case continues.

This article was amended on 7 March 2017 to correct the number of days in September.

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