Welcome to week four of Decrypted: The Expanse, our podcast devoted to the TV we're currently obsessed with. This week, Detective Miller was still left holding the bomb—quite literally—on an Eros station that appears both self-aware (or some value of that term) and able to ignore the laws of physics. Eros is headed right for Earth, where there's an awful lot of mistrust happening in the UN's war room. Is this whole thing a Martian plot?
Of course, we the viewers know that it's really Jules-Pierre Mao and his stooge Errinwright, although the former has disappeared from view, presumably hoping his vast wealth will let him escape the consequences of his science experiment.
Back on Eros, we've finally gotten to see what the protomolecule is really up to. Miller gets to retrace his earlier visit to the station, taking in the pachinko parlor and ending up back at the Blue Falcon Hotel, the last resting place of Julie Mao. Our hangdog detective finally gets to meet his missing person, for the protomolecule has incorporated Julie Mao as its control structure of sorts. With Eros able to break the laws of physics to defend itself, it's up to Miller to persuade it/her not to crash into Earth.