Malliet: Update on Georges Bensoussan Trial in Paris

A tireless warrior in the cogwar, Martin Malliet, frequent commenter here, left a long comment with an update on the George Bensassoun blasphemy trial in Chambre 17 in Paris. I post it here to give it the attention it deserves.

This is indeed a fascinating case that shows how crazy things have gotten in France. (I put some things together on my facebook page.)

Georges Bensoussan, a French Jewish historian and activist against islamism (with quite some credentials in this field), in a debate on the radio (high-brow France-Culture almost nobody listens to) explains how widespread antisemitism in the French Muslim community makes it vulnerable to the islamists’ attempts to set it up against French society.

He then is accused of incitement to hatred against the Muslim community by professional anti-racism organisations, with the lead being taken by the CCIF (against islamophobia). Other anti-racist organisations join in, among which the venerable old LICRA (against racism and anti-semitism) with its star witness Mohamed Sifaoui, an Algerian journalist in France who is a very outspoken critic of islamism and at the same time very much maligned by the CCIF for being former PM Manuel Valls’s sidekick and by the CCIF’s followers for being a ‘zionist agent’, who explains his testimony against Bensoussan with the wish not to leave the defense of the French Muslims entirely to the CCIF.

Apart maybe from the CCIF, nobody seems to be thinking about the sketch Dieudonné is going to make on Bensoussan, who is also associated with the French Shoah memorial, if he is ever found guilty by the court of incitement to hatred against Muslims, as the public prosecutor demands (with a fine of €1.500), after debates at the trial that lasted for 12 hours (till 1h30 in the morning). The verdict will be pronounced on the 7th of March.

The judge, who is Mme Siredey-Garnier, in the meantime has published a sort of opinion piece in the ‘Gazette du Palais’ in which she contrasts the 12-hour long Bensoussan trial with other hearings where she has to decide on the fate of some 23 illegal immigrants in about the same amount of time. The idea she tries to put forward seems to be that the Bensoussan trial is merely about a symbolic matter whereas the other cases are about real lives. But she reminds herself of the trials of Flaubert, Zola, Baudelaire and Charlie, which were also held before the same tribunal (17me chambre), and promises to do her duty by giving every case the attention it deserves.

Her piece inspired me to write a last message in support of Georges Bensoussan that I secretly hope will come to her attention (in French) and that on my part is meant as a simple plea for sanity: “Pour ma part, j’espère seulement que le juge jouera pleinement son rôle de juge, et admettra d’autres considérations que celles introduites par les parties avant d’arriver à une conclusion. Comme par exemple le fait qu’il s’agissait d’un débat contradictoire à la radio, et que dans ce cas on ne peut attendre de personne qu’il pèse vraiment tous ses mots. Que Georges Bensoussan est certes responsable de sa parole, mais qu’il ne peut être tenu responsable de toutes les interprétations malveillantes que d’autres veulent en faire. En d’autres mots, que le juge se rend compte que devant un tribunal révolutionnaire Georges Bensoussan serait facilement condamné pour incitation à la haine raciale. Mais qu’il décide ensuite que devant le tribunal d’un état de droit comme la RF il ne le mérite aucunement. Et qu’il condamne chacune des parties civiles à €10.000 de dommages pour procédure abusive, harcèlement et atteinte à la réputation de Georges Bensoussan.”


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2 Responses to Malliet: Update on Georges Bensoussan Trial in Paris

  1. Pingback: 02/14 Links Pt2: Foreign Ministry places permanent exhibit at UNESCO; A Tale of Two Talks: Free Speech in the U.S. – 24/6 Magazine

  2. [Richard, there must be a mistake, the comment you used is mine and not Menahem Macina’s, who is a real person although unknown to me.]

    In the mean time, Alain Jakubowicz of the LICRA has published an article explaining the reasons for their backing up the charge of incitement to racial hatred brought against Georges Bensoussan by the public prosecutor, after a complaint by the CCIF (against islamophobia). Saying that the LICRA has a general policy of backing up the public prosecutor, who they normally think to be too slow to enforce the law against racism and antisemitism. In this case they had some doubts, however, and wanted Georges Bensoussan to publicly clarify that his words on the radio program about widespread antisemitism in the Frernch Arab-Muslim community were not inspired by islamophobia. Bensoussan apparently refused. And this refusal then left the LICRA no choice but to follow the public prosecutor. – Alain Jakubowicz is using a lot of words without saying it, but it very much looks like the LICRA was afraid of choosing the side of Bensoussan because it would have exposed them to charges of Jewish partiality coming from the CCIF. Charges that would have hurt the LICRA considerably, because of, well, widespread antisemitism in the Muslim community and to some extent also in the larger French society. Which makes the trial all the more fascinating, as it is in itself proof of the thesis defended by Bensoussan on the radio and for which he is tried! Again, one can only hope that the judge is level-headed enough to see a clear path through all of this.

    [I collected all the links for this case with my comments on my facebook page (mostly in French):

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