Watch: Video of The Silhouettes of Cinematographer Roger Deakins

January 29, 2017
Source: YouTube

The Silhouettes of Roger Deakins

The use of silhouettes in cinematography can be powerful and evocative. One of the masters of silhouettes is cinematographer Roger Deakins, who has earned 13 Academy Award nominations over three decades (but never actually won one yet). One Perfect Shot video editor H. Perry Horton put together this compilation titled "Paint it Black: The Silhouettes of Roger Deakins" profiling some of his best silhouette shots. There's footage from Skyfall, True Grit, Sicario, Assassination of Jesse James, The Hurricane, Jarhead, Prisoners, The Shawshank Redemption, and even the new Blade Runner (because why not?). Watch below.

Description from YouTube: "Roger Deakins is quite simply the most accomplished cinematographer of his time, responsible for some of the most breathtaking imagery of the last 30+ years. In particular his acumen with using figures in silhouette to evoke an array of emotional atmospheres is unparalleled. Here are his best." This video was edited by H. Perry Horton, made for One Perfect Shot, read the full article here. For a list of all the different films included in this, visit YouTube. Deakins has already finished shooting Blade Runner 2049, and also worked with the Coen Bros on Hail, Caesar last year. Excited for whatever he does.


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1 Comment


The work in SKYFALL was so, so good.

DAVIDPD on Jan 29, 2017

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