hamelin-born asked: In the 'Founders 'verse, do you think that Newt/Graves or Newt/Graves/Tina would be a new thing, or a carry-over form their past lives?


Hmmm, I want to say that it is something that started in their past lives, but none of them had the courage to act on. 

Now, they have a second chance. 

Something unspoken, something that they never - they did their best to hide it from one another. And even then, even when they suspected there might have been - more… Those were different times (it was a different world).

It’s probably complicated by the fact that Salazar Slytherin didn’t have a clue that both Helga and Godric wanted him as well. He could see that they wanted each other, it was a plain as the nose on your face, and he couldn’t - he was a dark wizard, he was a bad man, but even he didn’t want to disturb their happiness. So he pined after them from afar, and did his level best to pretend that it was only friendship he felt for them, nothing more.

…this time, though, Graves and Tina probbly take turns kissing him, and Newt is shocked into tears again when he realizes he can have this, he can have this…