All you can do is the best you can do.

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Feb 10

Putting together Red State Care Packages of highly appropriate quotes inexpertly laser-printed on cards, and after a quick browse through Twitter just now I want to do a set that just says SWEET CHRISTING FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU but I figure nobody’d read those.
Alas, because that’s really the only appropriate sentiment lately.

  1. danceswchopstck said: Clarification: Sending pacifiers and sippy cups to DT, not the janitor. The janitor had their sympathies.
  2. danceswchopstck said: So true. Just saw a twitter thread where RoguePOTUSStaff said DT threw a cup that stained something in the WH and the janitor was threatened with firing for not being able to remove the stain. Who knows if that’s true, but it sure is plausible. In the comments, people were discussing whether to send him pacifiers and sippy cups or donate the money to charities for kids, instead.
  3. seramarias said: I am wholly in support of this.
  4. dotsandfoxes said: I don’t think I’ve found anything that sums up my feelings towards Jason Chaffetz as well as “SWEET CHRISTING FUCK WHAT THE FUCK,” and I’m not even a constituent of his anymore. So, these are brilliant.
  5. awisekrakens said: I need to seriously start practicing calligraphy because “I noticed you voted to confirm Betsy deVos” in fancy handwriting is the kind of vaguely vengeful witness-bearing I can get behind.
  6. bomberqueen17 posted this