How Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher's perfect marriage IMPLODED after Bundle Of Joy
AS BUNDLE OF JOY is repeated on UK TV this weekend, it has extra poignancy following the recent devastating deaths of Debbie Reynolds and her daughter Carrie Fisher last month.
Debbie and then-husband Eddie Fisher were the golden couple of Hollywood when the movie was released back in 1956, as they played a sales girl and a store owner’s son who become embroiled in confusion when she found and took care of an abandoned baby.
It soon transpired that Debbie was actually pregnant in real life with Carrie - hence the movie's shots of her standing behind counters or wearing long capes.
She and Eddie were on the covers of gossip magazines constantly - with their children, Carrie and her younger brother Todd, often included - and they were dubbed The Cutest Couple in Hollywood by the media. Bundle Of Joy was, for that reason, a big event.
Carrie wrote candidly for the Daily Mail in 2011 about her parents’ marriage, saying: “I think they were just swept along. They were America’s sweethearts, they embodied the American ideal, they belonged to the fans who had invested all this energy in their unbelievably cute coupleness. So when it all went incredibly wrong, people felt betrayed.”
I think they were just swept along. They were America’s sweethearts
Soon after Bundle of Joy was released, Eddie’s career went into steep decline and Reynolds’ film roles also began to decrease - with the pair of them becoming known far more for their personal lives than their jobs.
So it was shocking in March 1958 - the year of Todd’s birth and two years after Bundle of Joy - when scandal really ignited.
Elizabeth Taylor’s husband Mike Todd was killed in a plane crash, leading to a close bond between her and Eddie - who was Mike’s best friend.
Within months, rumours had begun circulating that Eddie and Elizabeth had struck up a romance, which was a big deal in that era given that gossip mags would rarely run stories that were “off-brand” for stars - in Eddie’s case, being unfaithful to Debbie.
But on September 10 of that year, Elizabeth issued a statement boldly declaring: “Eddie is not in love with Debbie and never has been. You can’t break up a happy marriage. Debbie and Eddie’s never has been.”
Debbie was subsequently swarmed by the press and was photographed with diaper pins on her blouse, with a now-famous caption by the Los Angeles Times reading: “Still Smiling: Tears in her eyes, Debbie Reynolds, who told reporters she hopes she and Eddie can iron out their difficulties and ‘be happy,’ manages a smile as she makes a hurried trip home.”
Before long, Eddie insisted the marriage had been deteriorating long before Elizabeth came into his life, whilst Debbie maintained her innocent image by denying she knew of any troubles and saying in response: “I will endeavour to use all my strength to survive and understand for the benefit of my two children.”
The two women were pitted against eachother for a long while afterwards, perhaps setting a template for what was to follow some 50 years later with Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Debbie Reynolds dies
The animosity, however, was not to last.
Carrie’s 2011 column explained that eventually Debbie and Elizabeth became friends, saying they “returned to that long-ago time in their lives when they got along extremely well”.
“But it was when we filmed These Old Broads – a TV movie I wrote – that she finally apologised, for real, to my mom."
Bundle of Joy is on BBC Two tomorrow (Saturday) at 2pm.