In late 2014 and early 2015, the canonical atmospheric response to the El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event was not observed in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific, although Niño3.4 index exceeded the threshold for a weak El Niño. In an effort to understand why it was so, this study deconvoluted the observed 2014/15 December–January–February (DJF) mean sea surface temperature (SST), precipitation and 200 hPa stream function anomalies into the leading patterns related to the principal components of DJF SST variability. It is noted that the anomalies of these variables were primarily determined by the patterns related to two SST modes: one is the North Pacific mode (NPM), and the other the ENSO mode. The NPM was responsible for the apparent lack of coupled air–sea relationship in the central equatorial Pacific and the east–west structure of the circulation anomalies over North America, while the ENSO mode linked to SSTs in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific as well as the circulation in the central equatorial Pacific. Further, the ENSO signal in DJF 2014/15 likely evolved from the NPM pattern in winter 2013/14. Its full development, however, was impeded by the easterly anomalies in the central equatorial Pacific that was associated with negative SST anomalies in the southeastern subtropical Pacific. In addition, the analyses also indicates that the SST anomalies in the Niño3.4 region alone were not adequate for capturing the coupling of oceanic and atmospheric anomalies in the tropical Pacific, due to the fact that this index cannot distinguish whether the SST anomaly in the Niño3.4 region is associated with the ENSO mode or NPM, or both.

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We would like to thank Dr. Caihong Wen for CPC internal review, Dr. Jieshun Zhu for his constructive suggestions, and anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions and insightful comments.
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Peng, P., Kumar, A. & Hu, ZZ. What drove the Pacific and North America climate anomalies in winter 2014/15?. Clim Dyn 51, 2667–2679 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-4035-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-4035-9