According to an essay by a former Uber engineer, the company has a big problem with sexism in the workplace.
Susan J. Fowler, now an engineer at Stripe, joined the ride-hailing company in 2015, but her experience quickly became "strange, fascinating, and slightly horrifying." In her account, posted Sunday, she alleged a clown car-worth of institutional sexism, HR incompetence and organizational disorder.
In response, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said in a statement Sunday evening he had instructed the company's new chief human resources officer to conduct "an urgent investigation" into the allegations.
According to Fowler, she had been at Uber only a few weeks when her manager sent her propositioning messages about his open relationship.
"He was in an open relationship, he said, and his girlfriend was having an easy time finding new partners but he wasn't," she wrote. "He was trying to stay out of trouble at work, he said, but he couldn't help getting in trouble, because he was looking for women to have sex with."
"It was clear that he was trying to get me to have sex with him, and it was so clearly out of line that I immediately took screenshots of these chat messages and reported him to HR."
HR's response would make any woman in tech, or anywhere, really, grind their teeth. As she wrote (emphasis ours):
I expected that I would report him to HR, they would handle the situation appropriately, and then life would go on - unfortunately, things played out quite a bit differently. When I reported the situation, I was told by both HR and upper management that even though this was clearly sexual harassment and he was propositioning me, it was this man's first offense, and that they wouldn't feel comfortable giving him anything other than a warning and a stern talking-to. Upper management told me that he "was a high performer" (i.e. had stellar performance reviews from his superiors) and they wouldn't feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably just an innocent mistake on his part.
This was just the first inkling Fowler had of a workplace culture that was distinctly unfriendly to women. She also suggested that "a game-of-thrones political war" was waged among the company's upper-management, leading to chaos everywhere else.
"The ramifications of these political games were significant: projects were abandoned left and right, OKRs were changed multiple times each quarter, nobody knew what our organizational priorities would be one day to the next, and very little ever got done," she wrote.
Thanks to this disfunction and sexism, Fowler claimed that her organization was more than 25 percent women when she joined. When she tried to transfer out, it had dropped to 6 percent. The company has been approached for comment about these specific allegations.
She even recounted a bizarre episode where her organization promised each employee a leather jacket. Fowler was later told that women-sized jackets were not ordered as there were not enough women to justify the order.
"He said that because there were so many men in the org, they had gotten a significant discount on the men's jackets but not on the women's jackets, and it wouldn't be equal or fair, he argued, to give the women leather jackets that cost a little more than the men's jackets."
On Twitter, another former Uber employee Chris Messina said he'd had a similar experience with Uber's HR department.
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Uber has a reputation for being brash and bullying, thanks in no small part to the persona of its CEO (though the company has tried to play nicer, of late). In an infamous 2014 GQ profile, Kalanick made a joke about about women-on-demand: "Yeah, we call that Boob-er."
"What [Fowler] describes is abhorrent and against everything Uber stands for and believes in," Kalanick said Sunday. "We seek to make Uber a just workplace and there can be absolutely no place for this kind of behavior at Uber -- and anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired."
Huffington Post cofounder and Uber board member Arianna Huffington also announced on Twitter she would assist with the investigation. Liane Hornsey, Uber's recently hired HR chief, will lead the review.
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Though it had more than 9,000 employees as of January 2017, Uber is one of the few remaining tech giants that does not release its diversity numbers.
An Uber spokesperson told Mashable that Rev. Jesse Jackson and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick will meet later this month to discuss diversity initiatives. It is unclear if Uber will ever be transparent with their numbers.
Fowler has been approached for comment.
UPDATE: Feb. 20, 2017, 1:21 p.m. AEDT Arianna Huffington statement added.
Topics Uber