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Sep 2016
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  • rcdpowers1999's avatar

    rcdpowers1999 commented on What Is The Single Most Romantic Song Lyric Of All Time?

    I've got a whole list I keep on my notes app! My favorite line though, ever since I was 13, is "All the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave, when all I want is you" from U2's All I Want Is you


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  • rcdpowers1999's avatar

    rcdpowers1999 commented on Name One Book That Was So Amazing, You Literally Could Not Put It Down

    "A History of Glitter and Blood" by Hannah Moskowitz. I bought and read that book on a road trip and not even motion sickness could make me put it down! From the wild start to finish plot, the diary like writing, to the haunting imagery I could not get enough. When I finished it I… 


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  • rcdpowers1999's avatar

    rcdpowers1999 commented on What TV Show Plot Twist Left You Completely Floored?

    Pink Diamond being small in Steven Universe. I know it's a cartoon but I am COMMITTED to it. We've been waiting season after season for her reveal and all her fanart and theories revolved around her being the same size as Yellow and Blue Diamond but she SMOL. And now it's a race to… 


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  • rcdpowers1999's avatar

    rcdpowers1999 commented on What's The Pettiest Thing You've Ever Done In A Relationship?

    I told my ex that "I didn't love him", "I never did", "you're a major asshole I don't know what I ever saw in you", and "I'm going to break up with you as soon as possible" but I said it all in Spanish, which he doesn't speak, and he said I was cute and he likes it when I "talked… 


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  • rcdpowers1999's avatar

    rcdpowers1999 commented on How Do You Deal With Hair-Pulling And Skin-Picking Compulsions?

    I'm finally fighting against my trich after ten years. I grow my nails long because the longer my nails are the harder it is to pull. I wear hats and gloves when I'm in bed because I pull in my sleep. I also keep a planner and record when days are "good" "okay" or "mediocre". What… 


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