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Journal Articles
er:yag ji guang yu nd:yag ji guang zai kou qiang yi xue ling yu zhong de ying yong
Pages: 688-690
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Journal of Clinical Stomatology

Keyword:  Er:YAG激光Nd:YAG激光口腔;
Abstract: 激光因其操作方便,临床效果、患者舒适度及满意度高,已广泛应用于口腔医学各领域.目前Er:YAG激光与Nd:YAG激光是科学研究和临床应用较多的两种激光,本文就比较Er:YAG激光与Nd:YAG激光两者在口腔医学领域中的应用作一综述.
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