
Trump's First 100 Days

Trump’s Allies Urge Harder Line as Mueller Probe Heats Up

President’s legal team had predicted investigation would clear Trump by year’s end

WSJ's Gerald F. Seib explains what have we learned after Special Counsel Robert Mueller unveiled his first two big actions in his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. Photo: Getty

The Russia investigation that Donald Trump’s legal team predicted would clear the president by year’s end looks to stretch into 2018, prompting his supporters to ratchet up complaints that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s operation is politically motivated.

The calls for a more aggressive approach have intensified amid disclosures that a senior agent on Mr. Mueller’s team, Peter Strzok, had sent text messages that were allegedly critical of Mr. Trump during the 2016 election. Mr. Mueller subsequently removed Mr. Strzok from the probe.

Republicans also point to Andrew Weissmann—a Mueller deputy who had applauded the Justice Department’s decision not to defend the initial White House travel ban on people from majority Muslim nations—as evidence of bias on the special counsel team.

The president’s legal team has largely stayed quiet on the issue. But with Mr. Mueller’s investigation appearing to edge closer to Mr. Trump’s family and inner circle, the president is being urged to drop his team’s mostly cooperative approach to date.

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