Pokemon Go update: Niantic Gen 2 plans set for trouble following paywall reveal?
NEW PERMIT rules mean that certain areas in the United States could soon become blocked off Niantic and their Pokemon Go updates, unless they pay a few.
Pokemon Go fans could soon see parts of their cities and towns become no-go zones following a recent permit update in the United States.
It was revealed back in 2016 that Niantic might be forced to pay for permits to enable Pokemon Go in Milwaukee County Parks.
A new ordinance was recently adopted that would require all virtual and location-based augmented reality games to apply for permits to do virtual business.
Now in a new Pokemon Go update, it has been confirmed a permit is now needed for it and other apps to be used in the allocated areas.
And those who wrote the original proposal have confirmed that the county could pursue legal action if a company doesn't comply with a permit.
This latest Pokemon Go news could mean big changes for those who are used to being able to catch Pocket Monsters wherever they are currently roaming.
While the ordinance wasn’t solely directed at Pokemon Go, it will now mean that Niantic will have to pay for a permit to do business in the locations listed.
WISN reports that: “The fees will be on a sliding-scale - anywhere from $100 to $1,000, depending on how much of the park will be used and how many people are expected to be there.
“The money will help with the park's upkeep, he said, and the permits will help the county prepare for the volume of people.”
The ordinance in full: “Virtual and location-based augmented reality games are not permitted in Milwaukee County Parks except in those areas designated with a permit for such use by the Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture (DPRC).
“Permits shall be required before any company may introduce a location-based augmented reality game into the Parks, effective January 1, 2017.
The World of Pokemon GO has Expanded!
“The permitting application process is further described on DPRC’s website for companies that create and promote such games. That process shall include an internal review by the DPRC to determine the appropriateness of the application based on site selection, protection of rare flora and fauna, personal safety, and the intensity of game activities on park lands.
“Game activity shall only occur during standard park hours, unless otherwise authorized by the DPRC Director, who has the authority to designate special events and activities within the Parks outside of the standard operational hours.
While this may not directly affect players outside of the US state, it could have long-term implications for Pokemon Go if other states or countries follow suit.
It would also make it tricky for Pokemon Go players to capture the new Gen 2 Pokemon and as the last line or the ordinance notes, it would mean that the game would have to turn off its service to these areas when the park was not open.