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Wow! Such meme! Very Smite!

Cheers this old hack

Today is International Fun at Work Day, according to some random website and, idk, the UN probably too or whatever. In that fun-loving, good-time spirit ahem!

Wow! Such meme!

So doge!

Very Smite [official site].

So much 2013!

Watch on YouTube

That's a cosmetic skin coming to the Norse goddess Skadi in Hi-Rez's MOBA with the next big update. It's only an option for Skadi, who usually looks like an icy killer with a wolfpal. The doge setup is just a skin. It's also a fascinating demonstration of how quickly cyberspace can tire of jokes. I know I frowned. But consider:

A: I say I say, my dog has no nose!

B: How does it smell?

A: Awful!

That's a timeless dog joke right there, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. After the stars boil away, in the velvet black of the dying moments of the universe, one atom will tell that joke to his atompal, who'll crack up so hard she inadvertently sparks a new big bang. No one could ever grow tired of that joke. If you think you have, you're mistaken. The more tired this joke is, the richer it becomes, a rich tang of irritation and absurdity adding to delightful innocent wordplay and a smelly dog.

But an Internet joke from three years ago? Unforgivable. Heck, an Internet joke from three weeks ago is unacceptable in decent cybercompany. And if you explain to me a funny video I saw this morning, so help me god I will cut you from my Myspace Top 8.

As someone who will write something 'em up and overuse the prefix cyber until the stars boil away etc. I find Hi-Rez's commitment to this awful old joke encouraging. They apparently still consider doge funny enough to make this, so bless their hearts.

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