All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Feb 2

When it was hot in the news cycle, I was away from my computer for basically all of it, so I scrolled past posts on my phone with an air of faint incredulity. Y’all, I saw people hailing the fact that the rumors that Trump was going to sign an anti-gay EO had changed to rumors that he wouldn’t as some kind of pro-gay victory. I saw someone Photoshop a rainbow flag with Trump’s name, y’all. I should not have had to see that with my own eyes.

That is not a pro-gay stance. That is him picking his battles and realizing that right now, it’s easier to literally sell America to Exxon, and kill all Muslims, than it is to take on the gays, who have had a lot of really recent practice at hard-won domestic campaigning to be seen as human. A lot of our social organizing structures are still in place. A lot of people still remember changing their minds. We know what was effective and we’re used to fighting. We’re not as great a target as we used to be, y’know?

So. All that means is that he’s gotta do a few more things, like undermine the judicial branch and suborn the legislative branch entirely (or, more likely, let them suborn themselves in a desperate scraping bid for favors), let Russia eat the Ukraine, take a few billion more dollars in “campaign contributions” etc., and maybe start waging his domestic war against legal Latin American immigrants before he comes back to the gays. Trump himself doesn’t give a shit about the gays but you bet your ass they’re on the list Bannon’s got. 

He’s coming for us eventually. Don’t fucking celebrate the fact that he’s got to marshal his forces first. Marshal yours!

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