The business of life transformation

Published Fri, Jun 24, 2016 · 09:50 PM
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FOUNDED in 2015 on little more than dreams and hard work, Trendmaker Pte Ltd is today a global health and wellness company that stands at the forefront of product innovation and is committed to helping people take control of their physical health and financial well-being.

Trendmaker holds 100 per cent share in Phyto Science Sdn Bhd, a company based in Kuala Lumpur. In just a short span of more than three years after its inception, Phyto Science's monthly sales have surged to RM40 million (S$13.24 million), making it one of the top MLM companies in Malaysia.

Inspired by the success story of Phyto Science, the founders Puan Sri Datin Sri Ela Tan and her husband Tan Sri Dato Sri Lai Teck Peng, decided to go international by setting up Trendmaker in Singapore last year.

"At Trendmaker Pte Ltd, we are the Trend Maker. We're in the business of life transformation!" said Puan Sri Datin Sri Ela Tan.

Trendmaker was established based on the integrated and advanced e-commerce platform and vision to penetrate into the global markets.

"Transformation is a bold promise to make but we do so with full confidence. We believe that natural health and wellness have the power to transform lives and through our cutting-edge products, our people, and our business opportunities, we work to make it a reality every day," she added.

Such confidence has certainly paid off as Trendmaker has been named as one of the prestige winners of the SME100 Awards 2016.

"It was indeed a pleasant surprise considering we are a fairly young company. Nevertheless, we are truly happy with the award," said Puan Sri Datin Sri Ela Tan. "Awards bring you prestige and more customers, and they enhance your credibility as a business," she added.

Trendmaker approaches the direct selling industry in a revolutionary manner with a lucrative financial reward plan for its committed members.

In its maiden business opportunity presentation in early 2016, the hall was packed with enthusiastic members. It was a very encouraging sign that so many people were looking forward to joining the company. "We offer a life-changing opportunity for anyone who aspires to join us. Everyone has a chance to work independently. This is because all transactions are conducted on an online basis."

Indeed, the core value of Trendmaker lies in connecting people on a heart-to-heart level. "As a result, our worldwide family of distributors, customers, partners and staff experience rewarding relationships based on mutual respect, care, trust and love," she stressed.

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