leaving for NAMM in T minus 77 hours or so and I am excited like a nine-year-old going to Disneyland. which in many ways it is. I mean, they’re right across the street from one another. they both have crowds, parking issues, expensive foods and loud as hell music. at NAMM, however, I can put my hands on beautiful bassen and chat with my BFFs from Digitech about the bass processor they’re making for me* and cadge free picks and strings and see if they’re still filling the Coffin Case booth with babes and then go for burgers or pizza in the wilds of Orange County. CANNOT WAIT.

*not really. I mean, they told me last year they were working on a bass version of their RP500, whereupon I may have squee’d in dude’s face, but it’s probably not specifically for me. even though I’d earlier asked them about it during an AMA, then introduced myself as being from The Internet. NAMM is fun.