Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi: Rian Johnson defends Rey’s parents reveal after fan BACKLASH

STAR WARS 8 The Last Jedi director and writer Rian Johnson has defended his controversial reveal of Rey’s parents, amid hardcore fan backlash.

By George Simpson, Film & Music Editor

The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson on his new Star Wars trilogy


After two years of waiting, fans were set to find out who Rey’s parents were.

Much speculation suggested she was probably a Skywalker, being the lead of the third trilogy and having a connection to a lightsaber once wielded by Anakin and Luke.

However in The Last Jedi, Kylo Ren revealed her parents were nobodies and had no significance,

Now director and writer Johnson has defended his decision on Rey’s parents.

rian johnson and reyLUCASFILM/GETTY

Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi: Rian Johnson defends Rey’s parents reveal after fan BACKLASH

kylo ren and reyLUCASFILM

Kylo Ren told Rey her parents were essentially nobodies

Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, he said: “For me, it was a dramatic choice. It was just that her hearing – and also for the audience hearing that… if the answer had been, that’s presented in this movie at least, in this context. 

“If the answer presented to her was, ‘Your parents are so-and-so, here you go, here’s your place in this story.’ That would be the easiest thing for her to hear. And easiest thing for us to hear! Wish fulfilment. 

“It’s like, ‘Oh, great! That’s who I am. That’s that.’ The hardest thing she could hear is, ‘No, you’re not going to get that answer, that definition.’ 

“In fact, the fact that you don’t have that is going to be used against you by Kylo, to try and make you lean on him.”

rian johnsonGETTY

Rian Johnson says he made the decision because it was the hardest thing to hear for Rey

daisy ridley and reyLUCASFILM

Daisy Ridley stars as Rey in Star Wars The Last Jedi

Johnson added: “You’re going to have to find the strength to define yourself and stand on your own two feet.”

Of course he could just be having us all on and Rey will revealed as a Skywalker in Episode IX.

Star Wars The Last Jedi is out now.

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