Beyoncé Announced That She's Having Twins, and Twitter Had an Instant Meltdown

Have you heard the news that the music world's lord and savior, Beyoncé, is expecting twins? Twitter sure has. The "Formation" singer announced the good news via Instagram with a dramatic baby-bump photo of her kneeling in lingerie and a veil, and it took approximately 30 seconds for everyone on the social media site to begin losing their damn minds. In fact, Twitter released a statistic that within 45 minutes of the proud mom's announcement, over half a million tweets about the happy news had been sent. Finally some good news, right?

Beyoncé got pregnant to help us through this Trump presidency. She's really an American hero.

— Tony. (@SoLyrical) February 1, 2017

Someone: Hi-

— 🌺 (@lilayonce) February 1, 2017

Charlie's Angels, but with Beyoncé's kids and they take down Trump

— Sam Stryker (@sbstryker) February 1, 2017

Beyonce is having two more babies that North West and Saint will never be able to play with.

— The Almighty Xilla (@BlogXilla) February 1, 2017

Me walking into Black History Month before and after Beyoncé.

— Petty Wright (@KidFury) February 1, 2017

Blue Ivy talking to the Carter Twins

— G. (@BaddieGer) February 1, 2017

Everyone: 2017 is doomed
World: #BeyonceIsPregnant
Beyonce: time to slay

— ronregus smith (@RonnieRYANbryan) February 1, 2017

wow, bey has TWO buns in the oven! that's just an expression by the way. please don't eat those buns. they are babies.

— Denny's (@DennysDiner) February 1, 2017

you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about

— Sage Boggs (@sageboggs) February 1, 2017

"Okay, embryos, now let's get in formation." - Beyoncé

— Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) February 1, 2017

Beyoncé saw Trump's terrible Black History Month speech and was like, "I got you."

— Marlow Stern (@MarlowNYC) February 1, 2017

i'd like to think that the day after election day Beyoncé was like "jay we gotta do this"

— Matt Bellassai (@MattBellassai) February 1, 2017

Beyoncé bout to be like "ok Green Buttercup, Blue ivy & Red Lotus, yall ready to go?"

— ♑️ (@dannyyonce) February 1, 2017


Professor: Ms. Perry why are you texting in my class?
Me: Beyonce is pregnant w/ twins.
Professor: Is she really?!

— The Unorthodox Duck (@GeauxGabby) February 1, 2017