hamelin-born asked: I’ve heard of Fright Night, but never seen it myself - I looked up the wiki summary, and it didn’t seem that appealing. Is it good? And yes, getting around the ‘no invitation’ rule like that is exactly something Graves would do! Pity this vampire character didn't have a Newt equivalent to take care of him and coo and cluck over him...




It’s pretty good. A lot of campy fun. And, yeah, that is what Graves would do. Fine, you don’t want to invite me into the house? I’ll just blow it up. That takes care of that, no house, no need for an invite. What are you going to do now?

….Given how Jerry is, I don’t think that would work. He’d appreciate it, but it wouldn’t stop him from eating people and turning them into vampires. 

What I was thinking was Jerry’s about 400-ish when the movie takes place. The timeline probably doesn’t work (but when has that ever stopped me) but what if part of the reason why Gondolpus came over to America was that he was trying to get away from a certain daddy or brother (I haven’t decided which) dearest who was Turned and was interested in adding Gondolphus to the legions of the undead….(would explain why Graves resembles him to a striking degree).

@aethelar I think you’ve seen Fright Night? Your thoughts? 

I don’t think Graves would put up with someone trying to pull the stereotypical vampire shennanighans on him. No, not at all - he’s faced down Grindelwald, do you seriously think he’s going to be afraid of this many-times great uncle?

Nope! I’m just imagining hilarious hijinks! (I imagine him having become like this aggravating thing to the Graves family; yes, you will have a vampire stalking you for your entire life, this is how you deal with it, he’s mostly just annoying, he’s actually helped out a few times, but don’t get too comfortable if he helps you because his end goal is still to turn us, because he doesn’t give up on shit ever).

I’m thinking he’s the one who gave the others the tip on how to find the real Graves. (And would very much like to sink his fangs into Grindelwald and suck him dry because how dare he mess his many-times great nephew. Rude. So rude).

Graves: Oh no, not you again!

*snicker*. Jerry asking Graves when he’s going to settle down, he wants more many-times great-nephews and nieces!