Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind getting BIG Super Bowl boost following ESO 2017 plan reveal
ELDER SCROLLS Online Morrowind is set to get a big Super Bowl 2017 boost today following Bethesda’s big reveal that MORE DLC is coming to the game later this year.
Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind trailer
Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind is being launched by Bethesda on June 6 and is set add a ton of new content to the game.
Having released the first details and the official trailer later week, it has now been announced that it is set to be shown during Super Bowl 2017.
While it hasn’t been announced how big a slot ESO will be given, it’s well known that it costs a pretty penny to advertise during the big American sporting event.
It’s been estimated that 30 seconds of televised advertising space during the Super Bowl costs around $5 million, the studio recently put up a description of what was going on in the new Morrowind teaser.
You can read the full breakdown from Bethesda below:
- In the first moments of the trailer, you hear Dark Elf assassin Naryu Virian addressing Vivec. As the story unfolds, you get a first look at what she has been up to since you last crossed paths. The Morag Tong assassin has come a long way since your first meeting in Deshaan, and she is on her own important mission. With Vivec's approval, she has traveled to the wilds of Vvardenfell in pursuit of her quarry: the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong.
- Why she's hunting the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong, and why she's talking to Vivec about it, is a story that's yet to be told. Clues about the events that led up to the moments in the trailer are in Naryu's Journal, a detailed art book that comes with physical copies of The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind Collector's Edition. Powerful secrets are hidden in ancient Dwarven ruins, but though the Dwemer are long gone, their secrets are still well guarded.
- In pursuit of her prey, Naryu fights through the Dwarven Spiders and Spheres. In the heat of battle, a Redguard Warden joins her to pursue the Grandmaster and protect her from the Dwarven constructs. He uses a depiction of Sleet Storm, one of the new Warden abilities. This ability creates a hailstorm around the caster to deal damage and reduces the impact of incoming attacks for the Warden and his allies. With a ferocious war bear at his side and powerful frost-based nature magic at his disposal, the Warden makes a formidable ally.
- Together, Naryu and the Warden put an end to the treacherous Grandmaster, fulfilling her contract. But their battle is far from over – as we leave Naryu and the Warden, they prepare to face-off against an entirely different kind of foe: a Dwarven Colossus. You'll have your chance to battle one of these hulking constructs in the Halls of Fabrication, a new Trial coming with ESO: Morrowind.
It follows the announcement that the Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind chapter is just one of four event coming to the game in 2017
This includes:
- Homestead, our player housing DLC, in February
- ESO: Morrowind, our first Chapter release, in June
- A dungeon-based DLC in the third quarter
- A content-based DLC in the fourth quarter
Elder Scrolls Online’s new DLC and content mechanics are being changed by Bethesda so that it will fall differently and will also include “Chapters,” ESO’s version of expansions.
Each Chapter will be available at retail complete with new box art and packaging and will contain both the Chapter and original game.
However, all standard DLC will still be purchased from the Crown Store or be available to ESO Plus members as part of the subscription.
This means that new Chapter content is available only via retail (including digital retail) game or upgrade purchase if you already own ESO.
Elder Scrolls Online will continue to see quarterly updates to the game, along with DLC in the first quarter of each year, a Chapter in the second quarter, a dungeon-based DLC in the third quarter, and a DLC in the 4th quarter.