All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Jan 20

Just for cheerfulness’ sake, here are some photos from July, of my sister arranging flowers that she grew to sell. I think this is from when we did that wedding. She’s putting together a portfolio on her website of the wedding flowers, and asked me for pictures. I thought these were perfect for a gray January of hopelessness.

I just love the heavily-laden garden cart full of flowers. I never got tired of that. Fridays were flower harvest day, and I’d often get sun poisoning and get sent inside by 10am, but after noon I’d come back out, and from about 12:30 on, we’d be out under a shade fly arranging flowers, and Mom would come over, and sometimes other people came to help, and it was tiring sometimes, and I was usually itchy and hive-y, but the flowers were so nice to work with and it’s satisfying to arrange them. 

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