All you can do is the best you can do.

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Jan 28

Anonymous asked: Elizabeth what are your Rogue One thoughts/review!



Hello, anon!

While, obviously, I have been screaming my feelings, I can try for something a little more disciplined.

I loved Rogue One, without question. I think it was a great movie, though a flawed one, structurally. I’ve been squeeing, so I’ll get to the boring criticisms:

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So much this, but in particular:

“Galen disappeared from Jyn’s life at six(?), while Saw dominated it for the next decade, yet her relationship with Galen is vastly more developed.” 

That was my thinking, too. If Jyn was going to have father issues it should have been with Saw, while Galen was her emotional sanctuary. And her personal conflict, plus her eventual pivot to the Rebellion’s cause, would have been so much more meaningful if it had been tied into her relationships with her parents and parental figure. The story could have been improved and Jyn given a clearer arc if Saw’s character and his relationship with her had been more emphasized, for instance like this (long post below the fold):

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  7. thetreasurechest said: this is a good review and similar to my feelings which were I loved the characters even though we didn’t get to know them that much but felt that there were some writing problems, because i didn’t know why i liked them
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