MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Tehran's missile test, which Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan confirmed on Thursday and Wednesday through local media, reportedly involved a Soumar-type cruise missile.
"The latest test of medium-range ballistic missiles raises at least fears, and not only in Israel," Koren said at a meeting with the Russian upper house of parliament's foreign affairs committee chairman.
Iran purportedly launched the nuclear-capable missile on Sunday, January 29, which covered a distance of 370 miles with a reported range of over 1,800 miles.
Koren stressed that Iran's "harmful role" in the region should be addressed with Israel's government- and parliamentary-level colleagues.
"So far we do not see any indicators that the situation may change for the better," the ambassador said. "We believe that Moscow, Washington and other capitals at a minimum share our concerns."
Soumar is a type of long-range surface-to-surface cruise missile unveiled in 2015, with the design based on the Soviet Kh-55 missiles.