Interesting to read how 'body language' got its start as a field of interest. Delightful to see how much our sensitivities have changed around the langauge we use. Probably this book would be offensive to many people nowadays. It gave me some nice pointers, but also clearly showed how body language can never be an exact science.

Book information

Paperback, 187 pages

First published: 1980

Language: English

ISBN-13: 9780330028622
ISBN-10: 0330028626

Goodreads, Amazon,, Libris

Status: Read

02-02-2016Finished reading
31-01-2016Started reading
No book cover available


This classic book, which has sold over three million copies, was the first to features the phrase 'body language'. It introduces 'kinesics', the science of non-verbal communication, which is used to analyse the common gestures we use and observe every day, gestures which reveal our deepest feelings and hidden throughout to total strangers -- if they know how to read them.