Che's description of how you can win a civil war if you have the people behind you. It is interesting to see how similar the thinking is to Boyd's approach (move continously, hit and run, hide your movements, make use of the element of surprise).

Book information

Paperback, 157 pages

First published: 2006

Language: English

ISBN-13: 9781920888282
ISBN-10: 1920888284

Goodreads, Amazon,, Libris

Status: Read

30-09-2016Finished reading
29-09-2016Started reading
Book cover


The definitive, authorised version of Che's manifesto on revolution, including his final revisions, completed just before his death. It is both an incisive handbook and an invaluable historical source. 'Home will be the open sky...each guerrilla fighter is ready to die not just to defend an idea, but to make that idea a reality.' Ernesto 'Che' Guevara remains one of the world's most iconic political and revolutionary figures. Fascinating to admirers and adversaries alike, he captured the minds of millions with his leadership and his belief in guerrilla warfare as the only effective agent to achieve political change. Here, in his own classic text on revolution, Che draws on his first-hand experience of the Cuban campaign to document all aspects of guerrilla warfare, from its aims to its organisation and training. He analyses how in Cuba, against all odds, a small band of dedicated fighters grew in strength with the support of the people to defeat a dictator's army.