10 Things Pregnancy Can Teach Women About Their Partners
Pregnancy isn't just a time when parents learn about mom's changing body and their developing baby. It's also a unique time for partners to discover even more about each other. While dad's focus might be on mom and his unborn child, how he processes the changes and copes throughout the nine months can teach mom more about her beloved partner than she ever realized. Check out the 10 things you can learn about your significant other through your pregnancy journey.
Their Medical Limits
You might already know that blood from paper cuts and hospital scent doesn't bother your significant other, but you'll have the chance to learn pretty quickly how medically savvy he or she really is. Do they get the difference between an ovary and a uterus? Does the probe from an internal sonogram make him wince more than you? On your baby's due date, you'll get to see if your partner can look past all of that blood to see the miracle of life or if they start to feel faint before they even see the placenta.
How They Deal With Nighttime Disruptions
The "sleepless" nights you endure during pregnancy are nothing compared to once the baby is born, but they do allow for a decent test run. From tossing and turning when you can't get comfortable to requesting help with heartburn or cravings, you can start to see how well your partner deals with nighttime disruptions on a pretty regular basis before your baby is even born.
That It Isn't as Real For Them Yet
Just because he or she was there when you took the pregnancy test or heard your unborn baby's heartbeat for the first time doesn't mean that they are grasping the changes as quickly as you are. Without experiencing the physical changes on a daily basis, it might take longer for them to process how quickly life is going to change. During the course of your pregnancy, you can see how your partner processes and preps for baby differently than you do.
The Kind of Caretaker They Will Be
How your partner takes care of you from the morning sickness through to the contractions, both physically and mentally, can offer a glimpse into the type of caretaker they will be for your child. Do they deal with seeing you in pain by cracking jokes, minimizing, or overcompensating? Do they react to each small change or wait for you to ask for help before they jump in? These can be clues to the type of parenting style they will adapt in the near future.
How They Cope With Uncertainty
It's impossible to completely prepare for the birth of a child, and those nine months leading up to their arrival can be filled with lots of unknowns. During this unique time, you are able to see how your partner processes change, deals with not being in control, and prepares for the biggest challenge of his life.
How Hands-On They Might Be
Just because your partner doesn't sit by your side during every bought of morning sickness doesn't mean that he or she isn't going to be an involved parent. However, how invested they are in doctors' appointments, educating themselves on unfamiliar health and safety topics, and getting both physically and mentally prepared can show you how involved he may be.
Other Ways They Can Be Intimate With You
During certain stages of your pregnancy and after the birth of your baby, your sex life will change. But how your partner works to still make you feel sexy and connect with you on an intimate level can add a new closeness to your relationship that doesn't involve sex.
What They Love About Your Body
Your partner might really love your pregnancy boobs or your ass the way it was before you got pregnant. He might be terrified to have sex during your third trimester out of fear for the baby or maybe he can't get enough. Either way, it's important to recognize how your partner supports your changing body both before and after your child's birth.
What Bigger Things They Find Most Important
Certain values, traditions, and even superstitions that were never a thought before might become increasingly important to your partner during pregnancy. Throughout this time, he or she might suddenly discover that it's much more important than they ever realized to name the baby after a relative, raise them a certain religion, or wait a certain amount of time before even announcing the news. As he uncovers meaning in certain things thanks to his new role as a dad, it's a valuable opportunity for you to get to know a different side to your partner.
That It's Possible For Them to Love You Even More Than They Already Do
Being pregnant and having a baby is a special time when couples can fall even more in love. From watching your significant other's love grow for this unborn life daily to seeing how they care for you, it's easy to witness their love continuously expand, just like your developing bump.