assorted ramblings of a fangirl old enough to know better. Etsy shop

3rd September 2017

Photo reblogged from and before you know it, you're walking on air. with 6,770 notes

“#the main pop-cultural presence of robin wright in my life has been a) buttercup and b) escaping from sean penn #with support work as forrest gump’s princess in a tower #so to have her live on an island with women #training women to...


#the main pop-cultural presence of robin wright in my life has been a) buttercup and b) escaping from sean penn  #with support work as forrest gump’s princess in a tower  #so to have her live on an island with women  #training women to fight  #training a young woman to defend herself  #launching 12 feet in the air and shooting 3 dudes in the chest  #yeah that’s an image

Tagged: robin wrightprincess buttercupprincess bridewonder woman

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