What You Need to Know about Parenting Children Who Have Bipolar Disorder

Last Updated: 26 Mar 2021

Children with bipolar disorder are extremely influenced by their impulses and surroundings, which is especially challenging with the stresses of daily life. Parents need to take extra care in how they manage the behaviors of kids with bipolar. Here are some tips to help:

Keep a consistent schedule

Routines and structure help reduce stress and manage impulsivity. Ensure the child sticks to a routine with home activities, medication, and sleep. A schedule can also help parents be more cognizant of changes to patterns in behaviors and mood.

Be aware of warning signs

Prevention is always best, so if parents can recognize early signs, they can move quickly to help their child. Warning signs of an approaching manic episode may include intense outbursts, extreme irritability or silliness, high with reduced need for sleep, hypervigilance to a task, racing thoughts, or reckless behavior.

Give up your need to be in control

Bipolar disorder in teens causes an everyday struggle for control. They have issues regulating moods, sleep, and appetite. It’s better to give them a sense of control instead of insisting the teen does what you want when you want, explains Kristen McClure, MSW.

Don’t expect more maturity from your child

Children without bipolar go through normal developmental stages; each marked by new skills and more maturity. However, this process of normal development could be disrupted in kids with bipolar, says McClure. “If your child is 15, but has been unstable in their illness for three years, they will not have the skills of a ‘normal’ 15year-old.”

Pick your battles

Dealing with the behaviors of a child with bipolar is different than it is with other children. Everything the child does incorrectly doesn’t need to be addressed, so choose wisely in what to let go and what to enforce. Constant reprimanding of children with bipolar disorder can increase the stress and trigger more acting-out behaviors.

Consistency is key

Because kids with bipolar usually have a need for control, consistency helps them understand the rules and gives them a sense of empowerment. It’s normal for all children to test limits, and kids with bipolar disorder are no different here. For these kids, it’s even more important for parents to be consistent in discouraging or reinforcing certain behaviors and to stick to it.

Don’t hold grudges

Kids with bipolar need help in learning how to resolve conflict and solve problems. If you two do get into an argument, do not give the silent treatment afterward or hold grudges. Later, when things are calm, you can discuss what happened and what you both could have done differently.

Take suicidal comments seriously

Bipolar disorder in teens puts them at risk for suicide. Parents must communicate with their child’s therapist and psychiatrist about any signs of depression or concerns they have about their child. This should be consistently monitored.

Create opportunities for expression

Children with bipolar are often gifted and have exceptional creative abilities; build on these strengths and interests. Start by creating opportunities for them to express their own thoughts and feelings with a creative outlet.

Seek your own support

You may need to process your own feelings—of anger, of grief—about the mental health condition your child has. It’s not uncommon to also deal with your own depression or anxiety as well, often from the stress of the situation. Therapy can help parents of children with bipolar deal with resolving conflict, thereby modeling good problem-solving skills.


About the author
bp Magazine and bphope.com are dedicated to inspiring and providing information to people living with bipolar disorder and their families, caregivers, and health-care professionals. bp Magazine works to empower those diagnosed with bipolar to live healthy, fulfilling lives by delivering first-person success stories—including celebrity profiles and essays by people with lived experience—as well as informative articles addressing topics such as relationships, employment, sleep, exercise, stress reduction, mood management, treatments, and cutting-edge news and research.
  1. Do go to court over this issue, a good lawyer can help you argue that this may constitute medical neglect and would be likely to order a new assessment and compliance with that doctor’s recommendations. No ethical judge is going to deny a child necessary medical intervention.

  2. Yes file those contempt charges asap!! Your child’s life may depend on it! Get all your info together and subpoena her therapists, make them show up and explain why they won’t treat her for a hereditary disorder. The latest diagnostic manual clearly states bipolar IS also a childhood disirder. But call it what they want, anxiety disorder or whatever, she needs meds if she’s been suicidal. The judge can force dad’s hand where you can’t. Hurry…

  3. Our daughter shows all the signs of bipolar, and I am bipolar. It can be hereditary, just as all mental illnesses. Her biological father has custody and refuses to get her proper treatment even though she has threatened suicide several times and attempted twice. The therapist and psychiatrist she sees won’t listen to me and just say ” we can’t/don’t like to diagnose that at this age (15)”. It took me until 36 to be diagnosed. By then, I had been manipulated, abused, used by my ex family and friends and was so broken that I abused myself with alcohol and promiscuity. I don’t want that life for her. Our relationship is damaged because her stepdad and I have tried to find her help, tried to stop her destructive relationships. I am heartbroken.we are court ordered to have therapy together, but my ex won’t schedule or allow it. I guess it will come down to filing content on him again.

    1. If at all possible, find another psychiatrist or therapist. We knew my girl had serious issues from the time she was three. We started seeing a psychologist when she turned five. He diagnosed her with several things, most of all bipolar. I have it too. It is hereditary and generally gets worse with each generation. I was not diagnosed until way after she was and I started questioning my feelings and behaviors. Best of luck to your and your family. Take care of yourself first so you are there where you need to be for her.

  4. I wish there were support groups specific to families of adolescents with mental health issues.

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