All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Jan 7
…we have really different definitions of easy, I fear. Like, I fall over at plaiting my jungle.

Ha. Fair enough, most days I actually don’t do anything to my hair, not even brush it. (People are always like ohh your hair is so long it must take so long to do it and I’m like no i grew it long because short hair takes so long to cope with, fuck that. If I braid it I can go like three days just clipping that up. If i don’t braid it I might have to brush it and that’s a pain in the ass.)

But by ‘easy’ I mean, unlike every single beauty tutorial I’ve ever tried to do, there’s no magic step where you have to be super-coordinated to do it. If you can do a braid, you can do this, and even if you screw up some of the stitches, if you get enough of them through a few layers this will hold together. The only really tricky part is making sure it’s clipped in the right place when you start. For sleeping on, it works best if the back of it dips under the knob of bone at the back of your skull, and I didn’t this time so it’s hard to get the pillow just right at night. 

  1. icantbearsedtothinkofone said: Er. OK.
  2. bomberqueen17 said: good luck! if your braid winds up with one shorter section, i forgot to add, you can either braid in a ribbon to make up the difference or re-divide your hair mid-braid, just to keep the end of the braid from being too long and fluffy.
  3. icantbearsedtothinkofone reblogged this from bomberqueen17 and added:
    …fuck it I’m going to try it and post the horrifying result.
  4. bomberqueen17 posted this