DAK announces elections; New body to take office in April


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An important meeting of central executive of Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) was held in Srinagar which was chaired by its president, Dr G M Mir. Besides Dr Mir, the meeting was attended by founder president, Dr Khalid Parvaiz, founder vice president, Dr Sunaullah Qureshi, General Secretary Dr AG Dar, and various executive members from across the Valley.

The meeting was called to discuss various issues of doctors and organisational matters.

According to a statement issued here, the President, Dr G M Mir in the meeting proposed that fresh elections for DAK which are due from quite some time now should be held immediately according to its constitution.

Accordingly it was unanimously resolved that the process for elections will be started soon and completed by end of March and new body will take office in April 2017.

It was also decided that all the account details of DAK will be audited and will be made public. Since many doctors are now preferring to work in private sector and which is flourishing rapidly for which they have also their genuine issues and demands, so it was decided they can also participate in the elections actively.

Many issues which are pending with the government will also be taken up and followed accordingly.

DAK will hold meetings in various district hospitals in the coming days for which dates will announced after discussing with the doctors of those hospitals.

Dr G M Mir personally thanked the members who had come from different areas of valley and attended the meeting despite their busy schedules.


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