



Hey everyone!  So, it was suggested that we start doing this, and I think it is a wonderful idea.  This fandom needs to show some love.  I know some of you do it all the time, hallowed be thy names, but some of you read on Kindle or maybe are embarrassed or just forgetful like me.  This is a day meant to inspire you to put all that aside.  Just for one day.  I figure, we’ll do this once a month, so I really don’t think that’s asking too much considering all the amazing content we get to enjoy for free.  Now that I’ve shamed all of us who need to be better about this, let’s get our inaugural Feedback Friday going!

What is Feedback Friday?

A day where we ask fans to leave feedback for their favorite writers, artists or bloggers.  Just one comment.  Just one.  Anything is fine.  It doesn’t have to be War and Peace.  Maybe you love someone’s gif sets or comic edits.  Maybe someone has fantastic meta.  Maybe it is someone you just like seeing on your dash because they make  you smile.  Maybe it is an artist who you imagine their works in your head when you write.  Maybe it is a writer who made you have to put your phone down and walk it off.  Maybe it is just someone who entertained you for 15 minutes while you were on the bus.  Whatever it is, it is time to say THANK YOU to these people who give so much of their time and talent with only the hope of some feedback in return. 

How should I leave feedback?

It is really all up to you.  On Ao3, by a message or ask on their tumblr, by rec’ing a fic or reblogging a piece of art or an edit or gif set with a nice comment, whatever you feel most inspired to do.  

But,  I want to leave more than just one comment!

Great!  Of course, more is welcome, but for today, I’m just asking for one comment.  One.  I have almost 4,000 followers.  Assuming half of you aren’t porn blogs, that would mean 2,000 wonderful messages directed at our fanartists, bloggers and writers. Imagine what a day it would be!  Imagine how many people would be happier AND more inspired to create.  

I feel stupid leaving comments and don’t know what to say!

Go on Anon!  Anon is fine.  If you aren’t comfortable using your pseud, just drop them a nice Anon message.  “I love your art.”  “Your fics are great.”  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.  Seriously, we are all that desperate for validation.  

Thank you to everyone who steps up and participates.  Fandom is what you make it.  You have to be the kind of fan you want others to be for you, so take the time today to make someone’s day just a bit brighter.  Put something good into the world.  I think it is safe to say, we all need some of that. 

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