All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Jan 9

so i guess i’m doing the bodhi/cassian au thing, i wrote a bunch more today.

but it’s not going to be as fluffy as Found Cat, which was already less fluffy than I really wanted. 

It’s sort of. Wistful and weird. IDK. 

(Continued from this ; it’ll go on AO3 eventually probably but it’s still pretty short and I haven’t hit the story part yet, if there is one.)

“We can pretend I work for Triple A,” Sled Dog Guy said, leaning in conspiratorially. “I used to. That’s how I know I can do it. The ones with the electronic locks and the car alarms, no, but if it’s a mechanical lock, I can open it.”

“A Triple A truck happened by and the guy took pity on me,” Bodhi said.

“Sure,” Sled Dog Guy said. “What with the puppy dog eyes and all, you must get that a lot.”

Bodhi gave him an incredulous look. “I’m sorry, did you forget the KKK has a branch office here? My coworkers have nicknamed me ISIS. I assure you, they are not going to believe a random tow truck driver thought I was cute.”

Sled Dog Guy’s mouth flattened, at that, and he glanced away. “Tell ‘em someone called the cops and the cop let you in your car to shut up the neighbors,” he said grimly, and stood and went to his car, a nondescript sedan. He went directly to the van’s door instead of coming back to the bench that Bodhi was frozen to.

Bodhi managed to peel himself off the bench and half-jogged over. “Can you– will it damage the door?” he asked anxiously, and in a moment, as his mind caught up, “Cops can unlock cars?” Of course they could. “Wait, did I do puppy dog eyes on you? I try to deploy them sparingly, they don’t normally work around here.”

“You’re goddamned adorable,” Sled Dog Guy said, deftly wriggling the tool into the top of the door. Before Bodhi could ask again if it would damage the door, there was a pop, and he pulled the door open and retrieved his tool. “Bingo. You’re welcome.”

Bodhi gaped at him. “Wh– that’s it? That’s how easy it is?”

“You have to know how to do it and have the tool,” Sled Dog Guy said, waggling the– whatever it was, Bodhi couldn’t really get a look at it– and then stuffing it into his pocket. “Shh. I never did this. I was never here.” He winked appealingly, and turned to go.

“Wait,” Bodhi said, catching his arm. Sled Dog Guy paused, glancing back warily. “What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you Sled Dog Guy in my head, it doesn’t make sense without the parka.”

Sled Dog Guy broke out into a grin like the sun coming up.

  1. artifactrix said: This is so great! <3 <3 <3
  2. bebeocho said: ahhh i love this so much!! i don’t even mainly ship them but they are both so good separately that together they can only be wonderful. i feel like they are each steady in a way the other needs and it kills me. anyway truck drivin’ bodhi is adorable 👌👌
  3. danceswchopstck said: What comes to mind is “Keep Me Warm” or “Brother, Keep Me Warm” *shrug* – since you asked
  4. singelisilverslippers said: ooooh YOU WROTE MORE OF IT!! :D
  5. bomberqueen17 posted this