Favourite  A angering and touching coming of age autobiography of her years in the American South in the thirties.

Book information

Paperback, 304 pages

First published: 1969

Language: English

ISBN-13: 9781405882651
ISBN-10: 1405882654

Goodreads, Amazon, Bol.com, Libris

Status: Read

06-10-2016Finished reading
03-10-2016Started reading
Book cover


Contemporary / American English Today Maya Angelou is one of the world's most respected writers and poets. In the 1930s and 1940s she was a poor Black girl growing up in the segregated American South. She suffered prejudice and cruelty from people she trusted as well as at the hands of an unjust society. Above all, Maya learned about the power of love and hope. This is Maya's true story.